Using JZ's igniter in 7M-GTE (+)

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Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
I do understand your point chevy. I thank you for the generalized stuff you shared with me. I am also thankfull for all the books and pdf's I read in the process, and the MSD tech I spoke with, the friends I have in the field of electronical engineering, and all the JC classes I took, the manufacturer I sourced out for the parts, the electronics store I worked at and managed for 5 years selling components and supplies for the discount on the parts, etc...
I do understand figgie is a internet troll with nothing better to do then browse forums all day and complain, even though he is a "moderator" and is supposed to referee these forums, not get involved in petty arguments. Arguing about it here was not even enough for you guys, they have to follow me to SF to go for more. If you think I give a shit about making money on this, you are sadly mistaken. I already knew what a distributorless ignition system was, and how it works in detail. Yeah, buffer the 5v outputs and parallel the ignitors. It's that easy. So fuckin do it your self. If this thing is so simple and easy, why are so many people jocking me for the details? The funniest thing is that it went on my car yesterday and went around the block once and now you guys are acting like I made a million dollars off of it and I owe you royalties or some shit. I have run a (completely non-profit) website on my car and my truck for years now, with the sole purpose of sharing my experiences to help others with their cars. I know what I am and what my friends think of me and I could care less about your opinion on this subject.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
I agree with GrimJack.

If Allan wishes not to share his knowledge, then lets not bug him.
I am sure that this is not a hard problem and the Supra community can come up with a better design which will be shared amongst the fellow Supra owners.

Who has access to a 1jzgte Supra?



Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
ok well... a few mods have been in here...and even grim was in here...BUT i cant take this anymore...

the answer to the ORIGINAL question has basically been answered with an emphatic yes it can be used with an extreme amount of wiring...

after that it was moving in a good direction and aaron actually created something useful....

then all hell broke loose... heres my thoughts:

aaron: using the public forums to gather information is what they are here for...nothing wrong with that...nothing wrong with wanting to sell something you have created either...

the problem i have is you not posting up how you did it...and yes i honestly believe without THIS wouldnt have accomplished what you did.... now whether or not you just werent given time or not before the name calling lol....thats irrelevant....

heres the bottom line:

1) you should post up your findings and how you made it work ...basically do a writeup..something we could post in the FAQ section....with what to wire up..etc etc.... if people want to do take it upon themselves to do it then so be it...

2) ALSO offer a plug and play kit... price it at whatever you want....i can assure you there are plenty of people who will pay a price for convienence...not to mention a lot of people arent very electronically inclined.

take my advice for what its worth...BUT...i gotta say the name calling and bashing etc has gotten outta hand in this thread and the ORIGINAL question has been answered...

this thread is done...
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