well i adjusted the actuator 1/2 a turn for now. spools picked up a bit, ill adjust
this more in time to come
Here is a crap video i took, its from 3rd gear from round 3000rpm
i had to move the camera to change gear near the end of the video sorry!
Whilst adjusting the actuator linkage last night i discovered that the wastegate flapper shaft is able to move slide up/down a fair distance. this caused my flapper to get jammed on the exhaust housing and stuck open

only able to make 1psi,
After much swearing, a few beers i managed to align it and put the car back together. warning for anyone who has one the sirclip should be installed to prevent this from happening. This is by design or lack of design! My ct26's do not have this kind of shaft movement,
i considered putting a dab of weld on the flapper arm shaft to prevent this kind of movement but decided not to. might be something to consider before installation.
I've managed to get the spool to the best i think its capibal of with just the actuator. once it spools it builds boost quickly where are before it did not. i wouldn't say im happy with the responsiveness of the turbo but ill see what my tuner can do to assist with it. It's more 1st and 2nd gear that lack boost.