cadman said:no ignorance IS infact bliss..
emotions do effect choices. And since in your beleif system "god" has emotions then that same god will screw a choice up based on emotions. So with that in mind, then this god that bases decision on emotion has LOL and now you are saying there is a God and he makes mistakes right? So first you're telling me there is no God, then you tell me there is a God and he makes choices based on emotion. Sorry there is no way you can jump from Human's making those choices, to God doing the same thing. You're wrong. God made us "In his image" not "Just like Him". So no, God does NOT make choices based on Emotion as you can I would. You are wrong.
reading101 much?? Perrhaps you need to go back to 2nd grade and learn how to read a sentence and how that sentence forms a paragraph mmmkay??
here since you overlooked it
(with typos and all)figgie said:.....your beleif system..
so tell me. How does YOUR belief system make me believe in god??? Yeah that is what I thought. next straw grab!
cadman said:1. Already fucked up and made numerous emotional based decision which lead to a huge error on his part (thought he didn't make errors??) Nope, His plan all along was to be able to get his creation in heaven with him. That's what he created us for. He didn't fuck up, he planned it from the beginning. You're wrong again.
so he created us for us to be in heaven with him. That what he created us for? Here is the human emotion part again. I love the possesive nouns used though out. HIS Creations, HE created. HE planned it. wow so now god is a he??!?!
2. hasn't made an emotional decision (not very emotional then) Emotions are what we as humans have. They are the reason we aren't robots all doing the exact same thing. You're way off.[/quote]
man oh man.
perhaps this is where your confusion first started.
cadman said:I find it funny how your "diety" rules with human like emotions. Wonder if that is coincindetal or actually part of the elusive puzzle. Not sure what you're trying to say here, but we are all human, and we all have emotion. Do we rule with hit? Yeah, like government rules with it. You still have a choice man, and no matter what your "emotion", you can choose to not let it effect you
deity = a god. Diety ruling with human like emotions is just that. god making decisions with emotions. God like, god hates, we are his etc. That is sure alot of "human emotions" for some all mighty being like this so called god to impart judgement based on "human emotion"
cadman said:see just like everyone else that attempts to debate against me, my post always reels you in with logic that to understand you have to think on your own. This was actually a trick setup in which either way I got the answer I was looking forYeah, funny how you can spin it off into something you've planned all along... oops you're wrong again. I don't see much Logic in what you say, I see your oppinion a whole lot though. Oops. you are wrong. Ack this is starting to be a trend with you.
don't worry. see my ownage on top. Either way you lost OR you can't read or a combination of both.
emotional god, bad choice and has fucked up
no emotional decision, means god is not emotionalSee above. Oops. you're wrong. See, sounds like you made a wrong choice based on your oppinion again. Sound familiar?
logic eludes you grasshopper. Perhaps I need to lower my english grammer to somewhere along the 2nd grade leve for you to understand. Seeing as you haven't answer a simplistic question if god is emotional or not. If he is then emotions have clouded his choices in the past. If he isn't then the bible is wrong in which case what you believe in is wrong. Capiche??
cadman said:so which is it? It's called a debate, I can't Prove God exists, and you use your own oppinion to put words in my mouth and try to tell me what God is.
very good at least you understand what a debate consist of. that still does not answer the question. Is god making decisions with "human like emotions" or not. It is that simple. A or B, Black or white, Chocolate or Vanilla.
cadman said:12 billion years plenty of time to make a fucked up choiceSee, yet another statement that can not be proven.
ooh straw grabbing now. Now what is not proven? This universe being 12+ billion years old? Actually it has
cadman said:I find it quite comical that you side stepped when brought up with other society that had more than one diety in thier religous belief system. Side step? Nope, just waiting for you to dig your own hole that's all.
i would look at the knee high shit you are already in first before you worry about my "hole".
cadman said:BTW
don't worry. You are not the first nor will you be the last to lose to me in a "debate" I never worry, you just got owned
lmfao! by what someone selectively copy and pasting and sidestepping what I brought up?? HA!