SupraDerk said:
So a dog can love God and potentially go to heaven or deny him and potentially go to hell? I don't believe that. If so, why isn't there church for animals?
Dude, all dogs go to heaven...everyone knows that. Disney reminded us of that back in the 80s.
Seriously though, from what I remember of the story of creation, God created man in His image--with a soul. Plants, animals, amoebic goo, whatever--were not made in His image. They were made more as stage scenery, made beautiful and tasty, for our enjoyment and His.
SupraDerk said:
And still, if he loves us so much, why would he give us the opportunity to deny him and spend all of eternity isolated from him when he could've easily just not given us free will and ensured we'd all spend eternity WITH him?
Initially mankind was in harmony with God--Adam and Eve knew no other way but to love God. Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden because they had broken God's law: do not eat of the tree of knowledge. God cannot tolerate sin; once sin and the knowledge of sin entered into humanity, the free ride was over--mankind then had the knowledge of what was right and wrong--Adam and Eve knew they had disobeyed God, so they hid from Him. But God couldn't just "undo" what they had done. Not only would that have been the easy way out, but it would have gone against the physical laws that He had created. And remember, God doesn't make mistakes.
In reference to heaven vs. hell, from a non-Christian point of view maybe it should be more like "with God" vs. "without God" because I see a lot of non-Christians getting upset and offended. You've chosen against walking with God, and heck, I know many non-religious people who don't believe in an afterlife. So what does it matter to you if someone disagrees with your choice? I can understand if they're red in the face from yelling "you're going to hell" at you, but
they're wrong for passing judgement on you--"Judge not, lest ye be judged."
Many people I know try to make heaven for themselves in this life, and when you look at some of them they're doing pretty good for themselves. The downsides to this however, are many. Man's vision of paradise is flawed and cannot be attained easily by just anyone. In addition, our time on this earth is even if by chance a man or woman attains nirvana, they've only got so long to enjoy it. Plus, humanity is so fragile--simple mistakes end lives and change fortunes for the worse all the time. Still, God allows us to choose this path for ourselves if we desire.
The free will He offers us is not like freedom from slavery or opression. A man may be born into slavery, yes. That is his plight--an unfortunate one, but [one cannot change what they are born into]. The free will God offers us allows that man to rise up against slavery, to choose to fight it mentally and/or physically. If we did not have this low-level freedom to choose, then we would all be slaves to inputs from the environment around us; slaves to causality.
7MA61 said:
Argh this thread is just pointless lock it I say, we are getting nowhere fast...
I'll leave you with this note, if god is so great why do 7m's have BHG's...
I couldn't give a hoot what religion you are but you come and knock on my door and try to tell me about it you sure as hell are going to get a very cold reception. This is for one reason I respect Islam is because they don't try and shove it down others throats.
God didn't make the 7M...and why do you think this is going nowhere fast? Look, I think we'll all agree that there have been awful things done in the name of religion, past and present--ALL religions included. Religion is flawed; it's tenets come from a higher power and may be pure, but they are interpreted and enforced by
flawed men. I agree with you 7MA61 when you say the Christian church is corrupt; and believe me it saddens my heart deeply. While man makes many terrible awful mistakes, ruining God's goodness in the eyes of non-believers is the worst thing any "Christian" can do.