[/I][I said:actually the reading101 was correct and based on FACTS. ... which was totally not along with the point of the thread, but yeah.
see as the loser always attempt to save face by trying to retort to an imcomplete cut and paste of mine so right there you are proved All I've done is hit "quote". Oh by the way, you mis-spelled "Incomplete". :biglaugh:
1. that you infact deliberatly cut, edited and paste to suite your debate which just makes your retorts invalid Nope, just hit Quote, never changed anything other than that.
2. misread (how i don't know as this is not timed) in which case reading 101 does apply. Is that what loosers do?
shouldn't you be asking yourself this very question??
cadman said:3. A bit of both. Selectively cut, edited and pasted and then misread what you did which makes the response invalid anyway as that is not what I asked. Right, that's what you've been doing the entire time. Mis-reading, side stepping what I've been trying to make a point about, then picking appart words to try and make it a mistake.
me side stepping? hmmm
lets go back shall we.
figgie said:emotions do effect choices. And since in your beleif system "god" has emotions then that same god will screw a choice up based on emotions. So with that in mind, then this god that bases decision on emotion has LOL and now you are saying there is a God and he makes mistakes right? So first you're telling me there is no God, then you tell me there is a God and he makes choices based on emotion. Sorry there is no way you can jump from Human's making those choices, to God doing the same thing. You're wrong. God made us "In his image" not "Just like Him". So no, God does NOT make choices based on Emotion as you can I would. You are wrong.
their is your first reading101 mistake.
your little ignorant replies have yet to answer the basic question I asked.
Is god emotional or not?
you have sidestepped that answer and still have not answered either way. But alas here is your dilema.
Either way your answer is not a good answer for you or your faith as the question can not be answered correctly. Both answers lead to a right answer for me. Btw you can thank Aristotle for that technique. Works quite well.
that is the reason I cut and paste my entire post to show that you are infact deliberalty doing 1, or 2 or 3 or a combination thereof.Now once you get your selective cut and pasting in check. I will return to your banter.Actually what you're trying to do is say I cut and pasted, taking some things you said out. Nope, sorry you're wrong, The only think I ever did was hit Quote. Damn, again side stepping the original post idea and attacking personally. Well Figgie, believe what you want to, looks like you're leaving, and that sounds about like what you'd do. (please note the taunt, it is there. It's also oppinion.)
my suggestion,
once you hit quote try to understand what is said. If you don't, ask and I will be more than happy to clarify. Like that post I quoted you replying to, not sure how you inferred that I believed in god when I specifically (and knowingly, since most of you guys have a habit of doing that) stated "Your Belief system" with your being the key operative word.