Religion rant (if easily offended, should probably not enter)


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Cadman said:
Just be sure you are honest with yourself on why you don't believe there is a God. It's because you don't want to believe there is a God.

No I'm pretty sure it's just because it's not what I believe. Denying a God isn't something I do to spite the world, I really never think about God or religion until someone tells me my choice of not believing is wrong, hehe.

suprahero said:
I never said that you had to accept anything. No one can make you listen to them. I was simply trying to tell you why they do what they do. Good luck with your atheism if it makes you happy. You're still my supra

Haha thanks Jay! and you are still mine too ;)

I don't agree with everything that Weezl said, but I think it's crazy for him to receive negative rep for expressing his beliefs in an open debate. I may not give him positive rep if I don't agree with him, but I could never condemn him for having his own beliefs.......................:3d_frown:

And I couldn't agree more! Weezl is entitled to his beliefs and for someone to neg rep him is horrible! I'm sorry you lost rep in a thread I created for expressing yourself, I'll kindly give it back :)
Jun 6, 2006
cadman said:
"How could God let _____ happen to _____." Fill in the blank.

Answer: You kicked him out. You don't want him around. All he did was do what you wanted him to.

Is there such a thing as dark? No, dark is just a word to discribe the lack of light.

Is there such a thing as cold? No, it is just a word to discribe the lack of heat.

Is there such a thing as pain and suffering? No, those are just words to discribe the lack of God.


:: facedesk ::


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
no, wait a sec...I didnt mention that I got -rep so you guys would send me +rep...LOL

I said that because I wanted the other person to know that it was ok with me to -rep me. (I sent them +rep in responce...hehe) I found it perfectly appropriate for someone to be mad at me for casting a shadow on their beliefs. It told me that I got my message across.

I know my ideas and beliefs are controversial to some. I hope that I have come across not as one who judges, but one who questions. Im also a very peaceful person. All you need to do to see what kind of soul I am, is to read any of my posts on the subjects of road rage, street racing, retaliation, tolerance, etc. I know sometimes I can come off a little rough, but thats just my frustration at myself for not having the right words to make someone at least acknowledge my viewpoint.

I actually applaude everyone who posted in this thread. Thank you for having the courage to stand up for what you believe and for keeping what could have been a downright nasty flamefest, a civil and quite interesting thread. Hey, it helped me pass the last 24hours until the start of BEAVER FOOTBALL season with ease! ;)

edit:eek:ne more hour till kickoff....*shakes with anticipation*


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Cadman said:
"How could God let _____ happen to _____." Fill in the blank.

Answer: You kicked him out. You don't want him around. All he did was do what you wanted him to.

Is there such a thing as dark? No, dark is just a word to discribe the lack of light.

Is there such a thing as cold? No, it is just a word to discribe the lack of heat.

Is there such a thing as pain and suffering? No, those are just words to discribe the lack of God.

I never saw this post. Just a quick question for you.

So something happened to one of my NICEST friends from High School. But first a little background on her. She never drank, she never smoked, she went to Church like 3 times a week, she worked at Chic-Fil-A after school (they closed on Sunday's to promote family time, a Christian fast food chain)

She was the sweetest girl I've probably ever met and only wanted good for everyone. Well this past summer, she had just graduated from college, just got married and just started her new job. One night she was going down a two lane road a couple of miles from the area we live in and she was hit head on by a drunk 17 year old kid. She was killed instantly and her husband was paralyzed from the waste down. They were on their way to church and her parents were in another car right behind her.

So you're saying that pain and suffering come from a lack of God? I can't imagine how much pain her parents are in watching their daughter die right in front of them on their way to church no less! And her husband, surviving that and having to except the fact that his wife died right next to him and there was nothing he could do about it.

And I don't even feel like hearing someone say that it's some kind of test from God. That's just beyond cruel. But I leave your beliefs to you, if you want to believe go right ahead! It's your choice and I commend you for believing (if you truly do believe) :)

But I just see too much pain caused by religion, too much suffering and too many wrongs all in it's name. I not only see no proof to back any of it's claims, I disagree with how it's preached and taught. But I will never judge anyone for believing...I just can say that it's not for me.


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
SupraDerk said:
I never saw this post. Just a quick question for you.

So something happened to one of my NICEST friends from High School. But first a little background on her. She never drank, she never smoked, she went to Church like 3 times a week, she worked at Chic-Fil-A after school (they closed on Sunday's to promote family time, a Christian fast food chain)

She was the sweetest girl I've probably ever met and only wanted good for everyone. Well this past summer, she had just graduated from college, just got married and just started her new job. One night she was going down a two lane road a couple of miles from the area we live in and she was hit head on by a drunk 17 year old kid. She was killed instantly and her husband was paralyzed from the waste down. They were on their way to church and her parents were in another car right behind her.

So you're saying that pain and suffering come from a lack of God? I can't imagine how much pain her parents are in watching their daughter die right in front of them on their way to church no less! And her husband, surviving that and having to except the fact that his wife died right next to him and there was nothing he could do about it.

And I don't even feel like hearing someone say that it's some kind of test from God. That's just beyond cruel. But I leave your beliefs to you, if you want to believe go right ahead! It's your choice and I commend you for believing (if you truly do believe) :)

But I just see too much pain caused by religion, too much suffering and too many wrongs all in it's name. I not only see no proof to back any of it's claims, I disagree with how it's preached and taught. But I will never judge anyone for believing...I just can say that it's not for me.

What Cadman is saying is that man sinned and distanced himself from God way back with Adam and Eve. Before that there was no death, there was no bad, God created everything perfect and the Bible says that God phiscally walked in the garden with Adam and Eve. Because man sinned death entered the world and man was distanced from God, that's why bad things happen.

I have been to several Christian funerals (I have had several friends die randomly), and I can tell you something, they are full of hope. There is sorrow for the physical loss of a friend, but also joy for the person who died, and knowing that they are in Heaven.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
JustAnotherVictim said:
How can you hate the Weezl Wings!!???

I could never hate The Weezl or The Weezl Wings..........nothing but love.

Tupac lives baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
suprahero said:
I could never hate The Weezl or The Weezl Wings..........nothing but love.

Tupac lives baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<---secretly plots to etch an AU logo in someones weezlwings


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
theWeezL said:
<---secretly plots to etch an AU logo in someones weezlwings

I will hunt you down, handcuff you to a chair, and start at Genesis and end with whatever the last book of the bible is.......................:biglaugh:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
johnathan1 said:

Why did this "distance" man from god? And if he created everything to be so perfect...then why was it even possible to sin???
How can you really ask that question after reading all the other posts about free will.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
theWeezL said:
I entered this thread with one intent only. That was to show that there are other people with spirituallty who still have the ability to think clearly and logically about the world around them. One does not have to be on either side of the fence when it comes to Evolution vs Creationism.


For a review of what science has found through palentology while searching for evidence of evolution.


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
Furball said:
What Cadman is saying is that man sinned and distanced himself from God way back with Adam and Eve. Before that there was no death, there was no bad, God created everything perfect and the Bible says that God phiscally walked in the garden with Adam and Eve. Because man sinned death entered the world and man was distanced from God, that's why bad things happen.
So, because some guys thousands of years ago made god mad at them, millions of their descendants still have to suffer from it in 2006 a.d., even though they're trying their very best to make him pleased?
That's not meant as an offense, just a (probably very common) question... IMO that doesn't really fit in the "god loves us all" idea. I'm probably just missing something here, please educate me.

As for religion in general, I'm always surprised at how so many people can be so sure that their understanding of god (or several gods) is true and all other people believing in different religions are wrong or "misguided".
Just look at how many different religions there are on this planet, this fact alone makes it impossible for me to really believe in any one religion. Even within one religion, people still often differ in their understanding of god.
IMO, it's very likely that religion is a product of the human mind, it's just much easier to cope with pain and suffering when you "know" or feel that there is some reason behind all of it and that there is someone somewhere looking after you. It's a typical human necessity.
Interestingly, it has also been observed that the human mind tends to see patterns in things where there aren't any (in series of completely random numbers for example).

Furball, I found it really interesting to read about your visions.
Just out of curiosity, I hope you don't mind me asking: are there any cases of epilepsy in your family?
I recently watched an interesting documentary on TV, stating that there seems to be a close connection between people experiencing religious visions and their temporal lobes' activity. Higher activity in the temporal lobes is also connected to epilepsy, so many religious people experiencing visions have cases of so-called temporal lobe epilepsy in their families or are epileptic themselves.
On this background, scientists managed to make (non-religious) people have visions by stimulating their temporal lobes. Very interesting to say the least.
Of course it's unclear if this is a mechanism intentionally made by god, so it can't be used as an argument for or against the existence of (a) god.

Just to make myself clear, I'm not trying to convince anyone of the non-existence of god, I hope it didn't sound that way. I'm just very interested in the backgrounds of religions and spirituality :)


Computer Aided Drafting
Aug 10, 2006
encomiast said:
So, because some guys thousands of years ago made god mad at them, millions of their descendants still have to suffer from it in 2006 a.d., even though they're trying their very best to make him pleased?
That's not meant as an offense, just a (probably very common) question... IMO that doesn't really fit in the "god loves us all" idea. I'm probably just missing something here, please educate me.

Hey no problem man, a lot of people ask this question actually, so I'll do my best. If we were all MADE to not sin, that would basically be slavery. We wouldn't have a choice. God wanted to make people, in his image, that would actually have a choice to praise him. It wouldn't be the same if he just made people to had to love him. So we all had a choice. Why does everyone else have to suffer? Because right now, the Prince of Darkness has his hands on the earth. God gives us a way to beat the curse that was created so long ago.

As for religion in general, I'm always surprised at how so many people can be so sure that their understanding of god (or several gods) is true and all other people believing in different religions are wrong or "misguided".
Just look at how many different religions there are on this planet, this fact alone makes it impossible for me to really believe in any one religion. Even within one religion, people still often differ in their understanding of god.
IMO, it's very likely that religion is a product of the human mind, it's just much easier to cope with pain and suffering when you "know" or feel that there is some reason behind all of it and that there is someone somewhere looking after you. It's a typical human necessity.
Interestingly, it has also been observed that the human mind tends to see patterns in things where there aren't any (in series of completely random numbers for example).

Yeah, there are a lot of people that believe, and won't even entertain the idea of anything else. One thing you have to look at, if you have an open mind. The Bible has never changed it's meaning. All other books have changed when mistakes have been found. The Bible has NEVER changed it's message. Yes, different translations have been made, but the message is the exact same. That's the only book in the world that is so old, and has never changed, when dealing with religion. What better base for thought than something that never changed.

Furball, I found it really interesting to read about your visions.
Just out of curiosity, I hope you don't mind me asking: are there any cases of epilepsy in your family?
I recently watched an interesting documentary on TV, stating that there seems to be a close connection between people experiencing religious visions and their temporal lobes' activity. Higher activity in the temporal lobes is also connected to epilepsy, so many religious people experiencing visions have cases of so-called temporal lobe epilepsy in their families or are epileptic themselves.
On this background, scientists managed to make (non-religious) people have visions by stimulating their temporal lobes. Very interesting to say the least.
Of course it's unclear if this is a mechanism intentionally made by god, so it can't be used as an argument for or against the existence of (a) god.

Just a comment here, people will have vissions from brain tumors and passing out. When I looked into this a little while ago, most people saw loved ones, or lights, or other things like that. What Furball saw, and what other people some times see, is an actual message that they remember, which didn't come from memory or anything that happened before. Sure you can explain it away as a medical problem, and we can't prove you wrong. But we don't need to, or even care really. I guess it's just another "Well, if you don't want to believe it, you won't" type of thing.

Just to make myself clear, I'm not trying to convince anyone of the non-existence of god, I hope it didn't sound that way. I'm just very interested in the backgrounds of religions and spirituality :)
And you worded it that way, and I very much thank you for that. Any other questions you might have based on this I would actually enjoy answering, cause it's fun to me

My little story about angels. When I was younger, probably about 6 or 7, I remember always talking to someone right before I went to bed, but never really remember who it was. Just a sweet lady that would visit me. My mom didn't know what to make of it because she'd hear me in there talking when I should be going to sleep. So she asked me one morning. I told her I was just talking to the nice lady. She asked that I tell the nice lady that I needed to go to sleep, and to please leave me alone at that time.

Well I remember telling her this, but it was almost like a dream. After that I never saw her.

So 12 years later I'm bombing down a back road at about a buck10 in a Contour SVT, just after I passed another car. Some of my favorite corners are coming up, so I start setting up. Then I notice very bright head lights coming toward me, like a truck's roof-mount lights. To shorten this up, I was run off the road and off a cliff by a large truck.

As I'm trying to save it, I realize there's nothing I can do, but as I go off the cliff, suddenly I'm not in my car anymore... I'm... looking at this gal who is really familiar. I flash back to childhood, and remember talking to her. I asked "Am I going to die?" She didn't say anything, just shook her head no. As if she was checking to see if it was ok yet, she looked down. I looked down and saw my car, in the dark, wrapped around a tree. I said outloud "Oh man!! I really totalled that one!" I closed my eyes and smacked my forhead, when I opened my eyes, I was in my car again. The roof of the car was touching my nose, my seatbelt was still there, but was under me. Still buckled in. My seat was totally reclined.

I crawled out of my car. I didn't have a scratch on me. Not one. I flagged down a car, was taken to the hospital where I was actually shown on Trama, Live in the ER!!! They thought for sure I would have had internal bleeding or something.

Here's a picture.


  • allenscar-2.jpg
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scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
I didnt read the whole thread but wanted to include my thoughts. I think that every form of thinking has an ability to be true. As a christian I find it hard to believe someone could acctually believe in saitan as the real god but it is always possable. NO one can say they know for sure witch is right all they can say is rapture this and mary that. but really I've deside that I DO believe and when i die i will really see if its true or not. lol


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Cadman said:
Why does everyone else have to suffer? Because right now, the Prince of Darkness has his hands on the earth. God gives us a way to beat the curse that was created so long ago.

Then why doesn't God just destoy Satan since he created him anyways? Seems like that would solve the problem wouldn't it? Hehe ;)