New Engine Set-Up Finally In *PICS*


Boostin Daily
Apr 4, 2005
Enterprise, Al
yah it really sucks how much horrible luck you've been having with your build. your setup has been some of the cleanest work ive ever seen yet the motor keeps giving you issues. so whats next? are you going to go get another used 7m for the time being?


New Member
Aug 16, 2005
Tampa, FL
jpeek29208;974219 said:
yah it really sucks how much horrible luck you've been having with your build. your setup has been some of the cleanest work ive ever seen yet the motor keeps giving you issues. so whats next? are you going to go get another used 7m for the time being?

I really don't know. I'm definitely going to take a break for awhile and not touch or think about it and then reassess everything.


Boostin Daily
Apr 4, 2005
Enterprise, Al
yah thats probably a good choice, that way you dont make an irrational decision. until then I'll keep my eye out for a good deal on a 7m for yah...


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
BoostedFloto;974266 said:
I really don't know. I'm definitely going to take a break for awhile and not touch or think about it and then reassess everything.
haha... you said reASSes... huhuhuhuhuuuh...:1zhelp:


Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
Idealsupra;979728 said:
Yeah I do remember...just that theres nothing wrong with reusing it since its a mhg. But ok.

i agree. i reused a hks 2mm hg like 5 times before i ended up blowing it from a fpr that went out. the 1.2mhg on my current 7mgte was reused from the old 7mgte i melted my #1 piston in cause of those venom injectors i bought like 3.5 years ago.


Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
if all he needs is an empty 7mgte block to get tanked and machined i got one i might let go. lol. i got 4 7mgte's out of the car right now, not counting the one in my 84 thats running. 1 is an empty block with no crank or anything. tell him to pm me if he is interested. it is at standard bore and hasnt been surfaced that i know off. some surface rust from sitting but since he is boring it, itll be fine im sure as i dont recall any pitting last i looked at it. im in tampa.

Idealsupra;974126 said:
Heh... Well Bill went and bought what was SUPPOSED to be a good running engine.... Just so he could put it in the car and enjoy the car a bit while he looks for another block setup to start fresh with the forged stuff.

So we pulled the forged engine and swapped over the head and intake and exhaust and turbo stuff etc to the block of the engine he bought. Put it in and it started right up. Then KNOCKED. :nono:

Sooooo needless to say that freaking sucks. HOWEVER... on a sidenote...we pulled the rod caps off and checked the bearings of the forged engine...and the bearings look FINE. So we are pretty damn sure now that the "knock" WAS infact a bad case of piston slap because of the large piston to bore clearance.

So dont know if Bill is gonna drive the knocked engine thats in the car until it blows up lol...just because (for the record the t66 at only about 11psi felt pretty damn nice when we drove the car.... :biglaugh:). Or if hes going to pull it back out and bring it the guy who he bought it from and get his money back since the guy said if he didnt work he could bring it back.

Either way another engine another non running properly supra.... BUT like i said at least we seem to have figured out what the "knocking" noise in the forged was.

Bill will add more if there is anything lol.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
williamb82;979743 said:
if all he needs is an empty 7mgte block to get tanked and machined i got one i might let go. lol. i got 4 7mgte's out of the car right now, not counting the one in my 84 thats running. 1 is an empty block with no crank or anything. tell him to pm me if he is interested. it is at standard bore and hasnt been surfaced that i know off. some surface rust from sitting but since he is boring it, itll be fine im sure as i dont recall any pitting last i looked at it. im in tampa.

Well I know at some point he would be looking for a block. So Ill point him in your direction. Although do you have any KNOWN GOOD RUNNING bottom ends lying around? No knocking etc lol... He might be looking to throw something in the car for the time being.

RTA Supra;979771 said:
I don't get it

Well lets see... you were telling Bill and I that your car overheated because of a hose problem. And then you fixed the hose problem and it found another hose to lose coolant from etc... Then you were telling John that it was overheating and you dont know why etc.... SO... I was making this thing called a joke about you having a BHG...... now you should get it. Thanks.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
I have blocks laying around... Concrete ones, in my parents back yard... They might be your best bet as of late... :D:D:D


Authorized Vendor
Jul 19, 2005
Las Vegas, NV
williamb82;979743 said:
if all he needs is an empty 7mgte block to get tanked and machined i got one i might let go. lol. i got 4 7mgte's out of the car right now, not counting the one in my 84 thats running. 1 is an empty block with no crank or anything. tell him to pm me if he is interested. it is at standard bore and hasnt been surfaced that i know off. some surface rust from sitting but since he is boring it, itll be fine im sure as i dont recall any pitting last i looked at it. im in tampa.

Hey if you have a block and head you are looking to get rid of I am in need of one for a mock up car.



Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
Idealsupra;980056 said:
Well I know at some point he would be looking for a block. So Ill point him in your direction. Although do you have any KNOWN GOOD RUNNING bottom ends lying around? No knocking etc lol... He might be looking to throw something in the car for the time being..

actually, i kind of do. the engine i just pulled isnt knocking, but the #1 piston is melted. cylinder wall is fine. i was going to put another stock piston in it and leav it as iss for a backup engine. never knocked and still pulled hard, just had blowby like a mofo so had to leave the oil cap off plus couldnt see anything behind the car. lol. i doubt he would want that engine though. but i offered to sell him my "skinny" block but he is after a "thick" block. i got one or 2 of those too but holding onto those for myself. both are perfect at std and te only one thats even been surfaced is the one i just got surfaced for a stock rebuild im doing on it. other thick block is getting my wisecos and "7m" crank and pauter rods when i finally buy the,. only thing left i need for that bottom end besides machine work and toyota bearings. crank is perfect at std on that as well :D


dirty mechanic
Aug 12, 2007
what size wisecos did you use? did you use the wiseco recomended clearance that came with the pistons for the cylinder walls? are all pistons facing the right way?did you check that the machine shop followed this clearance or just used there own?
i recently used the wiseco forgies and after 20,000 klms they are still for a lack of a better word perfect.

im not being an ass but whenever you get parts from a machine shop you must bath them yourself time and time again, and when you think youve cleaned them all good enough clean them again just to make sure. sometimes shavings get caught in galleries and you need to just keep going until its all perfect.its sucks when you pay for this service at the shop and it doesnt get done but for piece of mind its somthing that has to be done, as well as check all clearances dont ever trust them.Did you try a stock head in good condition instead of your modified one?


Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
this guy has a good point. also, what machine shop did you guys use? i always use engine lab. they are awesome. not the cheapest around but i trust their work. btw, my wisecos are coated skirts as well and i had planned to keep my clearance in the 4 thousandths area. im i correct that i recall seeing you guys went with 55 thousandths? why didn you do this? was it recomended? making sure you were good for BIG power? etc... i just want to tknow why is all. also, your pistons had the skirts coated as well right? if you want to see the coating i got pics of mine on my car domain. they are still new in the box in my closet. lol. havent used them yet.


New Member
Aug 16, 2005
Tampa, FL
The wiseco's are 40over. The piston to bore clearance was 57thousandths. We didn't "set" that clearance per say. I'll try to explain what we know is going on now.

The first build we had the machine work done in Orlando buy a shop that was recommended to us by someone who worked at titan. So we brought everything over there he did the hot tanking,resurfacing,cylinder bore,cut the crank valve stem seals etc etc I'm sure I'm missing some other things in there as well. When we dropped it all off we didn't give him a clearance to set everything to. We explained the power goals that we wanted and we want fairly tight clearances. Trusting(dangerous word) that he has had supra experience was recommended by titan so he knows what he is doing. So he finished everything up but couldn't do the align bore for the billet main caps. So we took it over to Engine Lab for them to do the Align bore and re-do the surfacing(didn't look that great from orlando).

So got that all done and assembled the motor. Started it up and it started to "knock" instantly. Had some people listen to it most people thought it was "forged" noise/ piston slap etc. Well we had an oil leak from the pan and what not so decided to pull the motor and check it out anyways. So we pulled the motor and started popping caps off. If you look back in the thread there are pics of the bearings, the bearings had a bunch of crap in them. So we were like hmmm thats our problem looked into it. Learned about the removable crank plugs figured the guy in orlando didn't do that and thats how the crap got in there and caused our problem.

So took the whole rotating assembly to Engine Lab W/fresh crank. Had them check everything they could check and had them set certain clearances for the rod and main bearings. Also asked them to measure the piston to bore clearance and remove/clean those plugs.

So got it all back cleaned the fuck out of everything assembled it and BAM same damn noise. So pulled the motor and started popping caps off again and all the bearings look perfect.

So basically we have come to the conclusion after talking with some other people that in fact we've had a SEVERE case of piston slap the whole time and the first bearings were just dumb luck that threw us off the first time.

Since the wiseco's have the coating they don't heat up and expand as much as other pistons do, so they don't expand and "fill" that bore up. I believe wiseco recommends between 25 and 6thousandths If I'm remembering correctly.

So the plan is find a fresh un-molested std block. Have Engine Lab Re-do all the machine work and give them certain clearances on everything and tell them thats what I want none of this well it is close or around there shit.

I'm also considering selling the 40over wiseco's and dropping it to 20over wiseco or cp.


Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
ok, makes sense. sucks about the place in orlando, but huray for engine lab. lol. those guys do great work. everything ive taken the or recomended to them has come out great. and yeah, i have the 40 over coated wisecos and plan to be alot tighter then the 57 thousandths you guys had.


dirty mechanic
Aug 12, 2007
you poor bugger, i feel your frustration, bet youve thought about just putting in a 2jz more than once and be done with it.
Did you compression test it at all?i too am running the 20 thou over wisecos and they were sweet to work with, just check your ring gap clearances to bore when installing the rings i had a few out of spec.


The Doc is in...
Jan 17, 2006
RTA Supra;979594 said:

Maybe if he rides in my MKIII some more he'll getter done ;)

I think my car would be better for that....

Bill do the fresh block and hopefully that works, if not I think we al know what the problem is.

BTW, we have 13, thats right 13 turbo 7M motors at the shop, I currently have 4 of them open, 2 of which will be running this week. Assembly is a cake-walk.

Good Luck.


New Member
Aug 16, 2005
Tampa, FL
drbowser3;981835 said:
I think my car would be better for that....

Bill do the fresh block and hopefully that works, if not I think we al know what the problem is.

BTW, we have 13, thats right 13 turbo 7M motors at the shop, I currently have 4 of them open, 2 of which will be running this week. Assembly is a cake-walk.

Good Luck.

13 ? nice lol. I don't need a full motor though I'm just looking for the "Thicker" block and thats all I need is the bare block.

Assembly is cake-walk thats why we kept looking for the "real" issue and seemed to have figured out the issue with the WAY to much piston to bore clearance. I mean any monkey can torque the bolts down in the proper sequence nothing to fancy to it, especially when you have the proper clearances. Which we didn't have due to the fault of the original machine shop and I'll go ahead and take some blame for not researching and giving them a "set clearance" to go by.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Idealsupra;981895 said:
So what do we all know is the problem? Id love to hear.
Jayson Margol? All up in them 7M guts... lol... :love:

Well awesome Bill, hope you find the block man... Glad to hear yur stickin with it... When you guys are done, come up here... :)