Supraholics;1178043 said:Looking great adam! Is almost ready to drive!
Muzy;1178441 said:Is it ready to cruz come spring. Or a couple odds and ends yet. Looks great BTW. muzy
adampecush;1169497 said:I'll get some more pictures once I drop the engine in the car...
As far as the EGR is concerned, I just need to put together some new piping, machine a flange, and braze it all together
The MK4 manifold was by no means an easy part to put on the car...there was quite a bit of hand-machining needed to fab the required adapter.
heres the adapter:
martin p;1192472 said:Hi
Do you have a drawing of the adaptor?, as looking to go down this route myself.
pgiller;1193648 said:I thought is was running already.