I can't remember if this was asked or not in this thread because I went through it a few weeks ago but here goes...
Does the AFR auto adjustment with a wideband work only when at WOT or will it also help to keep the AFR at a certain point when cruising?
I know that you want to try to keep the WOT AFR around 12-12.5 (if I am not mistaken). Should the cruise AFR be ser around 14-15?
By following the "Quick Setup Supra 4.4" pdf from the
http://www.fullthrottletech.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=215&d=1142261716 would that get me up and running for the most part?
I am just worried about keeping my AFR in the correct range for WOT, Cruise, and Idle.
By following the Quick Setup guide I would use these numbers? I know this is just to get the car to start but will it atleast allow me to drive the car home from the mechanics or to a dyno tune place if I am not boosting much? I am adding the 550 CC injectors without installing the Lexus AFM part.
Vehicle Sel: 0
# of Cyl: 6
Displ: 3.0
Airfl Source: 0
MAP Source: 0
Dens Srce: 0
Baro Mode: 1
F-Out Mode 4
V-Out1 Mode 0
V-Out2 Mode 0
AFR Source 1 (I have the LC1 wideband)
F-In Mode 0 - no MAF connected.
Aux1 mode 0
Select "System Setup" by holding the Pg button while pressing RANGE up or down.
Set the following:
Main Scale: This setting adjusts the entire flow range. Can be used to adjust for injector size.
V-Out1 Set: Set for 2.5 volts
V-Out2 Set: Set for 3.6 volts
Afterstart: Set to 0.0 (adjust if I have problems with running lean when starting the car up)
Lo Load Point - the load value for the Tune menu, set to 36.4
Mid Load Point - the load value for the Tune menu, set to 100.1
High Load Point - the load value for the Tune menu, set to 143
F Out Max - set to 0, this can be set to limit MAF output frequency. Use carefully
TM Base - set to 0.0 See Timing Monitor Setup instructions for use
TM Correct - Set to 1.27 See Timing Monitor Setup instructions for use
AF TrDelay - Set to 0. Delay in seconds that AFR tracking will wait after enabling before it will correct.
Quick Setup Supra 4.4.doc
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Make sure all settings in the Air Temp, Aux Trig, and the AF tune pages are 0.0
Set the Response: TPS Enrich .50, TPS Decay .80, TB size 7 MAP Enrich 0.4, MAP Decay .80 MAP
TPSmin 0.400 (set to .05 above idle TPS if the Rs parameter is being triggered at idle)
One other question I had is that no where in the guide do they mention where to setup TAF (the target AFR when using the tracking)… so where do I select that option so the Maft-Pro keeps the AFR in check?
I am just trying to gather as much info as I can before I need to set this thing up… it should be in my car around August 1st. Are there any more guides to recommend reading than the 4-5 supra ones that are supplied at the full throttle tech website?