I have a warrant out for me? I don't suppose we have any lawyers here....


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
Hungry Howie's is good shit!!! Non-greasy pizza that is still edible. :)

Tana chick is hot and has a good taste in music!!! I'm taking the day off work to see Slipknot, Distrubed and the band that plays her Myspace song.

Your lawyer sounds like a complete joke, Laura. :(


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL

What a hell of a ride through the judicial system. Finally had to write my lawyer and ask him to file a motion of sentence reduction. Sumter County got it on the 14th, and had copies made on the 17th.

What have I learned from this? You are guilty until proven innocent. Period. I've also learned that One Horse towns like Sumter and Levy have zero respect for your personal rights.

Not much to tell. People seemed to think that being in jail negates the need for personal hygiene. Had to dissuade some of their beliefs. Other than that, I find the judicial system to be extremely lacking. There is nothing to keep anyone from returning (provided they have nothing on the outside). I'm surprised there aren't more programs in place to provide basic skills - seems like it'd be a cheap pool of labor, if nothing else.

I got to educate a few on the FairTax - I'm happy about that. I'm out now, and it's going to be a hell of a battle to get back on my feet. I know Laura has struggled the past 2 months, so I've got to bust ass to get everything squared away.

I also need to catch up on the world! Seems like I've missed quite a bit around here - I got Mike's message about the infraction system immediately.

Laura's gonna be home soon from work - I've got two computer jobs lined up already, so I'm going to be very busy for the next couple of weeks. I cleared up room in my PM box, so if I can be any help to anyone just drop me a line!

Lost 21lbs btw, and 2 inches off the waist. I'm actually happy about that. I've got to go make up lost time with the wife, though :naughty:

*quick little edit*

I do want to say this much about Polak. Lawyer or not, I retained the services of a professional, and expected professional service for the money spent. Hired on April 1st, I have received zero communication from that point forward. After I was arrested, I heard nothing. I finally sent a letter to him on July 3rd, demanding a motion to reduce my sentence. Maximum sentence seems to me a bit ridiculous considering my lack of criminal background. He did so on the 14th of July.

Is there any recourse for me at this point concerning the lack of professionalism? I doubt it. I'm also perturbed that upon returning home, and checking the Sumter County clerk of the court online, there are ZERO references made to any points of contact. I have zero proof that Polak did anything at all in my defense.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Glad you are back, and able to actually start attempting to make some progress. I have no idea how I would handle what you went through. If there is anything you need help with, please don't hesitate to ask. I can't send you loads of cash, but if there is anything I have that you need, or help in any other way, I'll do what I can.