Adjuster said:
Bonus, if you belive that Mr. Berger, having obtained his degree's from Stanford, Berkeley and Davis is a objective source of information, your seriously overlooking the obvious.
Those are all flamingly liberal schools, proud to be on the forefront of resistance to everything capitolistic, and supportive of anything socialistic. (Hell, call it what it is, communism..)
I'd sooner drink battery acid than support a butt nugget like Gore by paying to see his movie. Here in a few days when I can rent it for .99 cents I might watch it just to see where this guy is going next. (Like reading his book, it was very interesting that anyone who enjoys freedom, and basicly any thinking person in this country would vote for that dude. He's clearly a socialist/communist, and he is very much anti business and into social engineering with your hard earned money. (And he'd like more of it, and then tell you that the reason your paying more, is good because it's forcing you to conserve energy, blah blah.)
Perhaps I should change the title of this thread to "Man caused global warming theory is proven false yet again." (Really, this is no joke.)
Since I'm dubious of the education slant of the author, I likely will not spend any time reading that book you suggested, but what does it say according to you? Anything that is based on complete data, or does the author slice up the information to prove his ideas? (Any chart of data can be used to prove anything, even that the earth is getting colder... Just look at the data in the 70's and your there, we were all worried it was man caused global cooling that was going to push us into another ice age...)
My point is MAN caused anything on this planet is a pretty interesting theory indeed. We are not the largest bio mass here by any means. (I belive the ranking of mobile species has the insects outweighing the humans my a huge margin....) Just termites alone have more bio mass than humans, and they are just ONE of many millions of types of insects on this planet.
CO2 produced by man is miniscule compared to natural releases and sources of C02, and we all know (or should by now) that C02 as a "greenhouse" gas is a very small portion of our atmosphere, and not the #1 heat trapping gas. (That honor belongs to water vapor (not clouds, they are different.))
Oh, Gore and his LEE friends say water vapor is "friendly" and that CO2 is "evil" like either one has an agenda... LOL
I hope that if anyone has the time, and patience to read through this serries of posts, they can draw their own conclusion based on what data we have, serious science and they can look past the propaganda and see that climate change is not static, and that the Earth will continue to cycle through warmer and cooler climates.
I also hope they leave here with a better understanding that those who would have you feel bad, evil if you will, about using hydrocarbons, eating red meat, building dams and enjoying your personal car while living in a house in the suburbs are really using "propaganda" based half truths and bogus science to try and control you.
If I was a liberal, I'd be pissed that the communists have taken over my party. (BTW, communism has a new name, they are the LEE's, or "Liberal Elite Environmentalists, and the ultimate in hypocrites.)
ok, long post. you said some pretty stupid things that must not be ignored.
the best colleges in the world are considered liberal. whether this guy is republican or green or liberal, it doesnt matter. he clearly wanted the best education he could get.
i don't know what to say about you calling gore a communist. i don't think many people in the country agree with you here. but it is funny that over 50% voted for Bush in his second election, but now less than 30% or so approve of him... dont call non-repubs dumb when these kinds of stats are available.
about Berger's book. he only uses stats. he presents solid info to the reader, and let's the reader decide what to think. unlike you, he told about global warming with almost 0 bias.
"My point is MAN caused anything on this planet is a pretty interesting theory indeed. We are not the largest bio mass here by any means. (I belive the ranking of mobile species has the insects outweighing the humans my a huge margin....) Just termites alone have more bio mass than humans, and they are just ONE of many millions of types of insects on this planet."
above is the most idiotic thing you have said thus far. obviously, crickets and beetles don't construct houses and cut down trees etc... humans are the only species that actually leave a trace of their existence. sure, bees leave hives, but if you can't see the difference between hives and Hummers, you are the dumbest person i know.
"CO2 produced by man is miniscule compared to natural releases and sources of C02, and we all know (or should by now) that C02 as a "greenhouse" gas is a very small portion of our atmosphere, and not the #1 heat trapping gas. (That honor belongs to water vapor (not clouds, they are different.))"
of course co2 cycles are natural, but like when any cycle is disturbed, things go awry. global warming and its effects are already overwhelmingly present. since the industrial revolution, when co2 emissions rose rapidly, see level have risen 4-10 inches, depending on location. Coral reef bleaching is now present in many new locations (learn about this: Milder temperatures have contributed to the spread of mosquito-born diseases. etcetera etcetera.
when did gore say anything about good and evil? that sounds more like Bush.
thanks for reading. do more research on your own. if you do as much research as i did on this topic, you will agree with me.
by the way, the earth's core IS cooling (like a pie cools as it sits on a counter), but that doesnt mean the surface is cooling. but you knew that, right?