Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Joel W. said:
Yes I did. Any your point is what exactly clueless? Burn more fuel!!!

OK, fine...;)

Never did I say that....what I was saying was that the whole "global warming" BS was created by liberalist because they believe they are absolute. Why do I get this feeling somebody is trying to start a big debate with me with this stuff? *sighs*

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Clueless said:
Never did I say that....what I was saying was that the whole "global warming" BS was created by liberalist because they believe they are absolute. Why do I get this feeling somebody is trying to start a big debate with me with this stuff? *sighs*

I am not debating you on this any longer. I was asking a question..:) thanks..


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Joel I think we need to just agree to disagree with those that think differently from us. I personally enjoy a good discussion on a solid topic like this, but there comes a point when you just repeat yourself ad nauseum...until everyone is bored and not paying attention.......

....then you sneak up behind them and whack em over the head with a two by four :naughty:

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
theWeezL said:
Joel I think we need to just agree to disagree with those that think differently from us. I personally enjoy a good discussion on a solid topic like this, but there comes a point when you just repeat yourself ad nauseum...until everyone is bored and not paying attention.......

....then you sneak up behind them and whack em over the head with a two by four :naughty:

Agreed. (I learned more than I wanted to) ;) I had to get the facts out there at the least..See my post above yours.. :)


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Thank God. There was enough hot air dumped to invalidate the thread's title. This is why I normally stay outta OT, it gives too much insight into the kinds of people I'm dealing with here. The regular forums are bad enough at times....

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
It's true!!! I was just joking about everything I said in here.. :evil2:


Ok, close this thread quick...:icon_razz


Supramania Contributor
Actually, the only thing the liberal elite environmentalists here managed to prove is they know they are wrong, but are clinging to any hope they might be right. (Better safe than sorry attitude... in extremis.)

They seem to feel it's better to do something about their guilt of so much excess when so many are telling them to conserve, they have to justify those feelings with faulty science, and igonore the simple truth when it's simply more convienient to belive what they want to belive..

With that, I'm pretty much done here. Many people can read through the posts, and there is quite a bit of information discussed.

I hope anyone with any intrest in this subject reads a few books. Some are fiction, science fiction and others are theory and published papers from scientists on both sides of the isle. I personally like the ones that are really not on anyone's dole, but out there doing other things, and just have very insightfull input on what we are doing as humans, and what's out there in the solar system, and they think is out there in the universe.

Hopefully the next time your talking to someone, or hear a news story, or some professor brings up global warming, or fossil fuels, you can have yourself a quiet smile, and either decide to let them ramble on, or discuss the truth, and start the process world wide of putting this lie to bed as soon as possible. I challange you to raise up your voice and exclaim that you belive the world is getting warmer not due to anything man has done, but it's a natural process, and you refuse to live in a state of fear. (Ok, shamless plug for the book, but hey, it's my last post I hope.... LOL)

The sooner we stop fearing bogus science, the sooner we can get onto more important issues like making money, and enjoying many responsible ways to spend it. (I'm personally enjoying my Supra and all the mods I can afford.. within reason of course...) LOL

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I am going to keep driving my supra also Adjuster (not that I drive it much), No one is saying you need to or should stop :). But at the same time, I am also going to try and conserve in every way I can think of like buying only the most fuel efficient cars available from now on. That right there will send the message we demand cleaner cars...

There are so many ways to make power that do not create pollution or create less pollution than current standards.. Something is out there that I think can be adapted to the supras. ;) Look at IJ's thread, Propane is definately cleaner and cheaper for him, so it was economically viable for him make the switch and he still makes more power than most of us on gasoline with other benifits!!!. I applaud him. <golfers clap> :icon_bigg

Research BMW's "internally combustion hydrogen concept race car" and see what is possible...Test tracked at 182 mph on hydrogen fuel.. Is that fast enough for you guys?

They are doing it right now..It's the wave of the future made from water and it's only pollutant is steam out the tail pipe (drinkable water)!!! Does that sound so bad to you guys? I am really quite excited about the idea and I can't wait to convert my supra or maybe something a bit lighter over to the new tech. Turbos are not going anywhere soon.. I hope to see more of them..

Ohh, Here they are!!!

I believe we can do anything that we set our minds to if we only try. Some ideas may not have even been fully realized yet as possibilities... Necessity drives invention...There are some smart people in here and between us all I think we can find the answer that is both planet and wallet freindly.. It will cost a bit more at first until it gets common place (like every new product) but then the price will drop... If later we find out that we were wrong (it is totally possible) ohh well, I will admit I was wrong, say I am sorry to you all, and we can all breath a bit easier then.. <Takes a deep breath> whew... :)

Or, we can keep doing what were doing and pretend there is nothing wrong and nothing we could do if there really was something wrong, so why even bother trying new things and stick to the "if it aint broken, dont fix it" mentallity.

Like you said Adjuster, I also want to evolve into something better!

PS, this post is was not so much a rebuttle, but more like closing arguements..... lmao.

Good debate you guys. This place rocks...(let's see this happen on SF.. lol)..

That is all..


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Joel W. said:
They are doing it right now..It's the wave of the future made from water and it's only pollutant is steam out the tail pipe (drinkable water)!!!

*shudders* can you imagine how humid it would be with all that steam? lol, rock on Joel! :bigthumb:


Jun 19, 2005
Sin City
I may have jumped into this discussion way to late, but fuck it. All I have to say is 12/21/2012-I watched the history channel, so it must be true!

(makin' it easier for lazy people like myself.)

Joel W. said:
Man, that pipe line going down for a few months is going to
drive the price of gas up!l

Yeah, I'm glad I filled up on Saturday.....$26.03 is all that I've spent on fuel since June...then on the other hand, I've only driven my car like 220 miles the whole job rocks