OK guys, Let me try this again..:evil2:
I was not saying you or any one here is or was stupid Greg (Adjuster)... You mis-read me yet again. I said "If" and "someone"
(1) It has not happened yet, and (2) it could be anyone here...
NASA of course knows all about your "The sun influences our weather theory" because they wrote it 10+ years ago... The problem is that the suns level of influence "appears" to now be on a decline or in a down swing on the sun's solar cycle and yet our temp and CO2 rates are increasing faster and faster at alarming rates. 1+1+1+1=4
The key words in that article are "A majority of climatologists" (believe it to be a fact) and "A small number of scientists" (not climatologists believe they are wrong.) Your job, is to determine who is more credible, how and when did they get their facts and or from who. Also and most important I think is were they motivated with cash, grants, books or fame (on both sides)??
I will admit right now that trying to save the planet (if it really needs saving) so we can all make more money and grow food, get drunk and screw, is some what of a motive. It's called survival...
I have proven/linked most of the skeptics that say that "MMGW is a hoax" are funded by the oil companies/government (not all of them but most) and they are ignoring some of the data. (not all of it, but again, some of it)
I personally am not willing to take the chance on a minority "sell out opinions" based on the evidence that I have posted here and read/seen elsewhere. This risk is too great to ignore it any longer.. "If" it is a natural cycle, we better figure out something soon to feed our selves and stay cool..
One more thing...The gasses are not good and evil, Dude... :biglaugh: They are beneficial and harmful to us...(no emotions what so ever) but I know, you know this...

OK I am confused again......What does it matter what gas/coal/oil is really made from? Even EXXON says they are made from fossils?? What is your point??
EXXON said:
Fossil fuels critical for next 20 years – at least
ExxonMobil’s Energy Outlook says that by 2020 the world will consume around 40 percent more energy than today. Oil and gas are expected to at least maintain their current 60% share of total energy demand, with oil remaining the dominant fuel. In other words, whatever aggressive growth takes place in other energy sources, such as renewables, fossil fuels remain critical to energy needs in the foreseeable future.
I am not saying they are not hydrocarbons, I just don't get why you keep bringing this up? The earth "supposably" has never had so many "hydrocarbons" burned at such an incredible rate by "humans" or at any point in history before now and the temp is rising because of it according to many climatologists based on evidence and facts..
Please read the entire story... They explain how they came to their conclusions based on several factors. Including old and new information together, most of which can be read below.
NASA in 2006 said:
In 2001, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group sponsored by the United Nations (UN), published results of climate simulations in a report on global warming. Climatologists used three simulations to determine whether natural variations in climate produced the warming of the past 100 years. The first simulation took into account both natural processes and human activities that affect the climate. The second simulation took into account only the natural processes, and the third only the human activities.
The climatologists then compared the temperatures predicted by the three simulations with the actual temperatures recorded by thermometers. Only the first simulation, which took into account both natural processes and human activities, produced results that corresponded closely to the recorded temperatures.
The IPCC also published results of simulations that predicted temperatures until 2100. The different simulations took into account the same natural processes but different patterns of human activity. For example, scenarios differed in the amounts of CO2 that would enter the atmosphere due to human activities.
The simulations showed that there can be no "quick fix" to the problem of global warming. Even if all emissions of greenhouse gases were to cease immediately, the temperature would continue to increase after 2100 because of the greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere.
There is some good news. Scientists are now trying to figure a way to scrub the air of CO2 and bury the harmful CO2 gasses forever under ground... That sound ok to me...:icon_bigg It means Jobs and maybe a way to reverse the problem.. (if it exists at all)..:icon_razz
Again, I don't see any harm in trying to find alternatives to oil and coal just incase they are right. If they are wrong, then no big deal.. Bring the gas back and I will send you a letter saying we fucked up and we suck and we are very sorry for trying to save you all..(sounds fair to me.):biglaugh:
Ask yourself why Bush this year has taken out the "To study and protect the planet" line from the NASA mission statement that has been in place for nearly 50 years???
SIDE NOTE and some what off topic...I saw a show on Discovery called "Addicted to Oil" and it made an interesting point. It was, that in all other wars that we (the USA) have fought in, we have always cut the supply lines of our enemies in order to defeat them....(This is just common sense here)
In this war on terror, we are actually funding our enemies by purchasing oil from the middle east, from some of the very people we are still fighting. :3d_frown: (WTF is going on here??)
I know you and I both hate communism with a passion,,, Lenon once said >>> "let the capitalist pigs sell us the "rope" that we will hang them with..."
In this case (the middle east), we are actually funding the "rope" for the hanging of our selves.. :cry: I know this has nothing to do with "MMGW is a hoax" but it is something else to think about when we gas up..... Our leaders are freaking ass hats, either way..:runaway: