If you think Al Gore knows his subject, and is right on "mmgw", then your not as smart as I'd hoped Joel.
Keep in mind this guy claims to have invented the internet.
He think's he's a scientist.
He chooses to ignore any data that does not support his position. (Even when faced with the inconvienent truth that his pet theory and cause is bogus.)
He like the rest of the LEE, (Liberal Elite Environmentalists.) still have not come to accept that "fossil fuels" are really just hydrocarbons, and that Man has little or no effect on the planet compared to normal trends of weather change based on history, ice core data, sun intensity data and good old common sense. (Somthing that we all can agree, Al "Bore" has little or none of.)
That dumshit Gore has to be the loudest voice crying "the sky is falling" out there, and his science is based on false theories, and bad science.
He was a dangerous dumbass when he was head of the EPA, a mostly quiet VP voice for the environment while working for Clinton, and his leagal battle over the election he lost showed his true charater. (That of a pissing and moaning baby)
"Whaaa! I lost, but you cheated. I know you did because you carried florida, and we should have carried florida... Boo hoo! Sniff sniff... Wahaaa!!! I'll sue if you don't give the presidency..! Boo hoo... sniffle sniffle." Al gore, paraphrase and humor added for effect.... LOL
When Al "Bore" sells his huge home in the urban sprawl where he lives, sells his cars, turns off his air conditioning and starts to live the life he preaches, then I might give a crap about what he says. Untill then, he is just another hypocrite LEE, in a long line of hypocrite LEE's running around trying to take away my freedom and make me conform to their version of reality.
Sorry Al, but I'm not interested in worshipping a fish, mother nature or your pet theory MMGW.. A theory that is clearly flawed, yet all the LEE's are hanging on for dear life hoping they might be right. (Better safe than sorry right... BULLSHIT!)
Keep in mind this guy claims to have invented the internet.
He think's he's a scientist.
He chooses to ignore any data that does not support his position. (Even when faced with the inconvienent truth that his pet theory and cause is bogus.)
He like the rest of the LEE, (Liberal Elite Environmentalists.) still have not come to accept that "fossil fuels" are really just hydrocarbons, and that Man has little or no effect on the planet compared to normal trends of weather change based on history, ice core data, sun intensity data and good old common sense. (Somthing that we all can agree, Al "Bore" has little or none of.)
That dumshit Gore has to be the loudest voice crying "the sky is falling" out there, and his science is based on false theories, and bad science.
He was a dangerous dumbass when he was head of the EPA, a mostly quiet VP voice for the environment while working for Clinton, and his leagal battle over the election he lost showed his true charater. (That of a pissing and moaning baby)
"Whaaa! I lost, but you cheated. I know you did because you carried florida, and we should have carried florida... Boo hoo! Sniff sniff... Wahaaa!!! I'll sue if you don't give the presidency..! Boo hoo... sniffle sniffle." Al gore, paraphrase and humor added for effect.... LOL
When Al "Bore" sells his huge home in the urban sprawl where he lives, sells his cars, turns off his air conditioning and starts to live the life he preaches, then I might give a crap about what he says. Untill then, he is just another hypocrite LEE, in a long line of hypocrite LEE's running around trying to take away my freedom and make me conform to their version of reality.
Sorry Al, but I'm not interested in worshipping a fish, mother nature or your pet theory MMGW.. A theory that is clearly flawed, yet all the LEE's are hanging on for dear life hoping they might be right. (Better safe than sorry right... BULLSHIT!)
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