Global Warming is over. (Really, it is. No joke.)


Supramania Contributor
If you think Al Gore knows his subject, and is right on "mmgw", then your not as smart as I'd hoped Joel.

Keep in mind this guy claims to have invented the internet.
He think's he's a scientist.
He chooses to ignore any data that does not support his position. (Even when faced with the inconvienent truth that his pet theory and cause is bogus.)
He like the rest of the LEE, (Liberal Elite Environmentalists.) still have not come to accept that "fossil fuels" are really just hydrocarbons, and that Man has little or no effect on the planet compared to normal trends of weather change based on history, ice core data, sun intensity data and good old common sense. (Somthing that we all can agree, Al "Bore" has little or none of.)

That dumshit Gore has to be the loudest voice crying "the sky is falling" out there, and his science is based on false theories, and bad science.

He was a dangerous dumbass when he was head of the EPA, a mostly quiet VP voice for the environment while working for Clinton, and his leagal battle over the election he lost showed his true charater. (That of a pissing and moaning baby)

"Whaaa! I lost, but you cheated. I know you did because you carried florida, and we should have carried florida... Boo hoo! Sniff sniff... Wahaaa!!! I'll sue if you don't give the presidency..! Boo hoo... sniffle sniffle." Al gore, paraphrase and humor added for effect.... LOL

When Al "Bore" sells his huge home in the urban sprawl where he lives, sells his cars, turns off his air conditioning and starts to live the life he preaches, then I might give a crap about what he says. Untill then, he is just another hypocrite LEE, in a long line of hypocrite LEE's running around trying to take away my freedom and make me conform to their version of reality.

Sorry Al, but I'm not interested in worshipping a fish, mother nature or your pet theory MMGW.. A theory that is clearly flawed, yet all the LEE's are hanging on for dear life hoping they might be right. (Better safe than sorry right... BULLSHIT!)
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Jun 19, 2005
Sin City
Joel W. said:
JZ: The calender on my wall ends at the end of this year. :aigo: .. What is your point?

Nothing, I just like how shows on the history channel, and discovery channel, and other places like that "scare" us into believing that the world will end soon.


Supramania Contributor
It could happen tomarrow.

The day after tomarrow.

Al Gore oh so wishes it were true, he makes "An Inconvienent truth" his opinion, and presents it as cast in stone fact.

All the other LEE's in the land rally to his side... "the Lee is strong with this one..." says Cindy Shehan and Hillary Clinton as they chat about how with the world ending due to MMGW, we don't really need a military, and shoud just pour all our funds and effort into ending poverty and providing universal health care for everyone on the planet because it's the right thing to do...

Mass hysteria erupts when everyone comes to realize the LEE is right, and money is evil, and if you earn your money by working for it, and drive a car, and are not worshipping fish, your evil. (Dr. Evil infact... )

The LEE revolution sweeps around the globe as millions use the new found wealth they are given to buy electric and hydrogen powered cars, but the vast majority are so captured up in the moment they decide to save the planet and ride the bus or light rail. (Lest they cause the ultimate distruction of man by increasing the C02 levels .0004% of .03% of the total atmosphere at that end of the scale taking out Nitrogen and Oxygen and the other main gasses we breathe... blah blah..)

Oh the rapture of finding the true LEE! I hope some day I can be like him, so powerfull and all knowing. Truely Al Gore is the ultimate LEE! There are no other LEE's nearly as smart as Al Gore, and we should all conspire to be such a LEE when we get the chance. (And what else do we have to do now? Wealth is evil, and money is plentiful since universal Welfare and Heathcare has been enacted by the powerfull LEE's that brought us out from our evil ways, burning fossil fuels, using nuclear power, and daming up water so we can control floods, generate power and enjoy water sports on these new evil man made lakes...) Oh how things are better now that the LEE's are in power!

We have all the money we can spend, and we don't have to work a day for it.
We have all the electrical power we need, because of the new osmosis/hydrogen whangdangle that Al Gore invented for us right after he got done with the internet...
No more war with the LEE in power. It would pollute the earth, and everyone cares more about the planet than they do themselves...

Ok, I can't even stand to write this anymore, it's too depressing because there are people out there who feel this way, and it's sad that they are so brainwashed by the LEE.. But it's true. These threads are proof of that.
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Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
At least he (Al Gore) is smart enough to see a problem. He has only been studying it 20 something years...LMAO,,,, +1 to him ;)


Supramania Contributor
-100 to him.
He is too stuck on being a LEE that he can't see what is right infront of his face. The fact that he is basing his whole life's work on a flawed theory that man is responsible for warming up the planet.

At the core, Gore is wrong. Sorry to have to tell you that your pal Al, is stuck in a loop playing a tune that does not ring true in the face of science.

Science tells us that the sun controls how warm or cold this planet is.
Science tells us that CO2 is a very small part of the whole atmosphere, and it's not a very good insulating gas either.
Science tells us that our earth, solar system and likely the whole of space is loaded with hydrocarbons, yet this primo LEE clings to the idea that oil is "fossil fuel."
Science tells us that we are in a warming and cooling trend, one of 1500 to 2000 years inside of a 90 to 100k ice age cycle, yet he ignores that data.

Why does someone so "smart" ignore such clearly evident truths? Because it's inconvienent, don't you know? (It would show him he's wrong, and his buddies are wrong, and they being the LEE's they are, can't be wrong, because they base their whole existance on thinking they are right, and that they are the only one's who are right.)

Keep this in mind Joel. Many, many men studied that the earth was flat, for many years longer than 20, and they were all wrong.

Must you still join them in error?

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
it's not a very good insulating gas either.

Who says this? I'd like their names...

You keep chatting but offer no proof or evidence.

The latest data, as of March 2006, shows CO2 levels now stand at 381 parts per million (ppm) — 100ppm above the pre-industrial average.[3]

Despite its small concentration, CO2 is a very important component of Earth's atmosphere, because it absorbs infrared radiation at wavelengths of 4.26 µm (asymmetric stretching vibrational mode) and 14.99 µm (bending vibrational mode) and enhances the greenhouse effect.


I am not going to stop until you prove your case to me, just so you know.. ;) (if you can, and I concure, I will change my mind!!!)


Supramania Contributor
You love these guys, so you should have read this before.
Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are gaseous components of the atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Like the glass of a greenhouse, greenhouse gases are transparent only to some wavelengths of light. When sunlight hits the Earth, some is absorbed and re-emitted at longer wavelengths for which the greenhouse gas is opaque, hindering emission back out into space. This warms the Earth; although it is not the primary mechanism that warms greenhouses.

The major natural greenhouse gases are water vapor, which causes about 36-70% of the greenhouse effect on Earth (not including clouds), but that can be converted to rain by nature; carbon dioxide, which causes between 9-26%; methane, which causes 4-9%, and ozone, which causes between 3-7%. (Note that it is not really possible to assert that such-and-such a gas causes a certain percentage of the greenhouse effect, because the influences of the various gases are not additive.) The higher ends of the ranges quoted are for the gas alone; the lower ends, for the gas counting overlaps).[1] [2]

Other greenhouse gases include, but are not limited to: nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons - see IPCC list of greenhouse gases.

The major atmospheric constituents (N2 and O2) are not greenhouse gases, because homonuclear diatomic molecules (e.g. N2, O2, H2 ...) do not absorb in the infrared as there is no net change in the dipole moment of these molecules.

Notice that #1 by a huge margin is water vapor..?

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Your getting your info from IPCC and I have already proven that study was funded by Exxon.. :evildeal:

Water vapor actually scrubs the air of CO2 when it condenses into dropplets and forms rain. This rain, falls from the sky and drags CO2 and other green house gasses back to the ground.

Even the scientist who wrote that paper have now admitted they may have been wrong... :slap:

My scientist can beat up your scientist.::dead horse::

Aaron J Williams

Make It So!!!
Jul 23, 2006
Luck, Wisconsin
Joel W. said:
Your getting your info from IPCC and I have already proven that study was funded by Exxon.. :evildeal:

I thought that the IPCC started all this. Isn't the IPCC the intergovernmental panel on climate change? Aren't they a part of the UN? Didn't they come up with the Kyoto protocol? How can you believe anything they say since they are proven to be funded by Exxon?

On a different note, the 90+ page government report I read proved that the "hockey stick" shaped chart you used above was not reliable because of the timeline of sampling data and the lack of diversity in the types of data. Furthermore they concluded that Mann's original paper was unreliable because of a lack of involvement from the statistician community and the lack of independent peer review.Virtually all the "scientists" that reviewed Mann's data had been co-authors with him on previous papers which makes them as biased as any exxon funded study.

This Thread has become tiresome, take me to a Toyota dealer!

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I thought that the IPCC started all this. Isn't the IPCC the intergovernmental panel on climate change? Aren't they a part of the UN? Didn't they come up with the Kyoto protocol? How can you believe anything they say since they are proven to be funded by Exxon?

Various prominent bodies have commented on global warming, most notably the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). National and international scientific groups have issued statements both detailing and summarizing the current state of scientific knowledge on the earth's climate.

Main article: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The IPCC said in its Second Assessment Report (SAR) in 1995 that
IPCC in 1995 said:
"the balance of evidence suggests that there is a discernible human influence on global climate".

Note that "balance of evidence" is not intended to suggest unambiguous proof; it is a reference to the standards of proof required in English civil law (balance of evidence) as opposed to criminal law (beyond reasonable doubt). This statement was strengthened in the Third Assessment Report (TAR) in 2001, in which the IPCC said:
IPCC guys 2001 said:
"There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities."

"In the light of new evidence and taking into account the remaining uncertainties, most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations [1]."

Wiki said:
In 2005 the national science academies of the G8 nations and Brazil, China and India, three of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the developing world, signed a statement on the global response to climate change. The statement stresses that the scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action [2], and explicitly endorsed the IPCC consensus.

They have since changed their minds. Good for them..

Read this!!!

I really do not care what a bunch of sell outs have to say on this matter, They are not climatologists, but star gazers who have since changed thier minds on the subject and now say MMGW is a real threat!!!!..;)

They are flip floppers that only changed their minds because they looked like complete freakin asshat idiots!!!! (they want to keep their jobs)

I feel refreshed, I can do this all day!!!! (and I will)


Supramania Contributor
Joel, I'm supprised you did not recognize that quote from Wikipedia. (It's just cut and paste from them, word for word, your favorite source man.)

Your idea that water vapor condenses into clouds is somewhat correct, but there is water vapor in the air all the time, even in the presence of clouds, and while your idea that water scrubs the atmosphere is nice, it's not completely accurate either. (Water in the form of rain tends to pick up dust and particulate debris in the atmosphere, but it does nothing to change what gases are there besides possibly moving them around somewhat.)

My point is that Water vapor, not clouds is the #1, by a huge margin "greenhouse" gas we have on this planet. Water vapor traps heat from the sun, and holds it here on the planet better than anything else we breathe.

Clouds are another matter, and they have different results depending on type and where they are formed and soforth. (Many types of clouds don't produce rain either.)

So, now that you know Wiki was my source, and I've further proved your man Al is a bogus fear monger, why do you still cling to this idea that the theory of MMGW is correct?

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Ok Ajuster, I think we are making progress, again... I will admit water vapor is a "green house gas" but it is not a problematic gas in the way that it also blocks the suns rays and traps heat in at the same time. Also, It condenses and returns to rain over short periods of time, (unlike CO2) ;)

It's a good green house gas.(all clouds are made from water vapor!!!!). It's not a dangerous gas, like CO2 and Methane...Is that fair? You can see how they twisted it into looking like it is. Can't you?

Yes, I still think Al is correct and I still believe MOST scientists understand what is really happening in todays world..

The data is indisputable in my opinion that MMGW is a real problem...:)..


Supramania Contributor
Ha ha ha! Your going to classify gases now as good and evil? Dude, your understanding of the water vapor v/s clouds things is clearly not right.

Clouds are not what I'm talking about. (Neither is Wiki, but you have to read very carefully thorough the LEE crap they smother it in.)

WATER VAPOR is a gas, and it's the most energy trapping gas of them all. 36% effective v/s just 9% for C02, causing 70% of the atmosphere warming v/s 26% for C02. (And I'm not sure they are correct here, the totals add up to more than 100%, and they admit they are not sure in the Wiki writeup.) I'm using their figures for your benefit. Others show the figures as much more clearly water vapor, some studies indicate that as little as 4% of the warming is caused by C02, and more than 85% is caused by the water vapor trapping heat from the sun. The other trace gases along with C02 making up the rest of the atmosphere that keeps us all alive and well.)

You can't pick and choose your gases Joel. They are not good and evil. They just are there, and the bulk of the C02 is not manmade, more than 70% of it in fact. (Now, keep in mind that 70% of the C02 is really not a very big number anyway. And the man made part is even less. Think about it, 3/8's of an inch in 300 feet. That's reality man. Your buddy Gore is stupid to the core if he thinks CO2 is causing all the problems, and wants to label water vapor a clean greenhouse gas, and ignore that the warming of the planet is caused in great part by how much water vapor is there to trap heat. (And of course what drives it all is the sun, and the angle and intensity in regards to the earth, and he's so smart, he choose to ignore that as well.)

Catch a clue man. These LEE's, they only want to vilify man, and scare you into living how they want you to live. They will admit it if you confront them with the facts, just like you have done a few times here, and say "it's all for your safety, and in your best intrest, so why the big problem?" We are here for you they chant...


He has an agenda, and it's removal of your personal automobile, and the elimination of urban sprawl.

He wants you to live in a city, ride the bus, and pay lots of taxes so he can spend your money on whatever he thinks you need, because clearly your not smart enough to spend your own money yourself.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Water vapor can reflect/block solar rays and traps the heat in.. That is a beneficial gas..IMO

CO2 just traps heat in only..That is a harmful gas, IMO

We are never going to agree here you know.... :) lmao

It's pretty arrogant of anyone to say imo, that we can not effect our enviroment as a humanity has in this case. Sorry bud, that's just my thoughts.. I don't see/hear it that way at all when I listen to him speak?


Supramania Contributor
Clouds reflect, water vapor absorbs and insulates only. (Clouds can also insulate. Clouds are temporary, but their is always water vapor in the air we breathe.)

Get your facts correct please.

Both water vapor, C02 and other trace gases trap heat and insulate, and none of them are any more "harmful" than the other.

Our warming planet is not caused by man's use of hydrocarbons, but is the normal cycle of the planet, and if you can't see that, and refuse to listen to reason outside of the LEE garbage being thrust onto us by people like Al Gore, then further discussion is a waste of time.

In 30 years let's come back to this, and see who was right.