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  1. tte

    using GE block to build GTE

    Also the ge block does not have the opening in the block for the turbo oil drain..Someone correct me if Im wrong on that. Cheers, Roy
  2. tte

    Another case of previous owner stupidity

    Well when you buy your supra you should always check everything and not assume that the previous owner maintained it well. Cheers, Roy
  3. tte

    go-kart w/ lawnmower engine, help!

    I'd put a 2 stroke 250cc motorcycle engine in a go kart. Seen it done before...that thing flies... Cheers, Roy
  4. tte

    92Turbo4Life STOLE MY SUPRA!!!!!

    Well you are not doing anything are simply taking your parts he took yours...2 can play the game. Dont steal his car...just the parts off it. Maybe if some guys helped you, you could swap his performance parts with the stock ones and oneday he will open his hood and...
  5. tte

    ouija board dont want to be fucking around with the dead. Just be glad you are alive and can enjoy life. Cheers, Roy
  6. tte

    92Turbo4Life STOLE MY SUPRA!!!!!

    We all could have been nice to him on here and then organize a Supra meet close to his city/town. Invite him to the meet and make sure there is lots of booze and women to distract him. Get some hot chicks to flirt with him and take all of his attention and one of the chicks could get his...
  7. tte

    Engine Dust Cover

    LOl...thats funny...some lucky supra owner got a free dust cover. Cheers, Roy
  8. tte

    using GE block to build GTE

    If you are going to build a new motor out of a 7mge block why dont u just build a new motor out of the gte block? That way you wont need to fuck around or drill this or tap that... Cheers, Roy
  9. tte

    is this legit? are paying $20 for free information..
  10. tte

    Machine shop did more work than I asked them to do, now what?

    Yeah. Just like SC said. Show them the invoice they gave you. They should have called you if more work needed to be done. but because they assumed you would say yes and did not call you, I dont think that you would have to pay. Just pay the amount you agreed to in the beginning. Be calm about...
  11. tte

    leaky PTE 680cc Inj.

    Where did u buy them from? Cheers, Roy
  12. tte

    cometic HG install

    Also check to see if the rivets in the gasket are interferring with the block-head sealing surface. If it is you will need to remove them. I did this with my titan head gasket. I do not know if the Cometic ones have the same issue. Cheers, Roy
  13. tte

    Ever faint in the bathroom and bang your head on the tub..?

    :biglaugh: Thats exactly what i was going to say. Cheers, Roy
  14. tte

    Starcraft II, official thread!

    Fuck yeahhh!!!....I love Starcraft... Only problem with it, is I keep playing and playing, not knowing that it so early in the morning and I have to get up to go to work the same morning. Cheers, Roy
  15. tte

    Best place to get stainless tubing? And let me add aluminized to that as well, lol...

    I found this place in California...I will be ordering my bends from them. Cheers, Roy
  16. tte

    I has a ice cream sandwich.

    I have eaten alot of those...Noice..!!! Cheers, Roy
  17. tte

    New Headgasket Opportunity

    Yeah...but most supra owners drive their cars on a daily basis and some for many hours which is alot different with drag cars. Cheers, Roy
  18. tte

    Metal Head Gasket Size Help

    Depends how much was taken off the block and head... Cheers, Roy
  19. tte

    What's this hose from the Fuel Rail?

    Yeah..its most probably your cold start injector line. The one in the middle of the fuel rail that runs to the intake manifold where the cold start injector is located. Cheers, Roy
  20. tte

    mazda 6 turbo awd vs mk3 turbo.

    The mazda guy will be feeling proud that he can take on Supras. Set him up with a faster supra and blow him away. Break his ego. Cheers, Roy