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  1. tte

    CPS wiring

    When i get home this afternoon i will look it up for you. I also have a 88'. Cheers, Roy
  2. tte

    SUPMODDER™ Interactive Car Customizer

    Good Stuff. Cheers, Roy
  3. tte

    Maxed out Violations

    Lol..they can afford the best kind... Cheers, Roy
  4. tte


    Calm down. Lets get back to your car problem. Did you check the circuit opening relay with a meter to see if it short circuited? Let us know when you checked it and if it is okay. BTW check all your fuses too. Cheers, Roy
  5. tte

    Maxed out Violations

    Thats true....Even when unlicensed drivers use nice cars, they do not get pulled over. Cops pull you over when your car looks like shit. Probably they think the guys with shitty cars do nto have money to afford insurance and other shit. Cheers, Roy
  6. tte

    Cyberdyne Gauges

    Anyone using this gauges? They any good? I like the look of it...instead of the needle gauges. Cheers, Roy
  7. tte

    Torque head-w/without cams installed?

    I do mine bare too. Cheers, Roy
  8. tte

    N/A cams in gte

    GTE cams...:bigthumb: Cheers, Roy
  9. tte


    Or you could just rebuild your old block unless you are hard pressed for time. Cheers, Roy
  10. tte

    WHY THE MOTHER F__K!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thats what alot of tourists do. When travelling to places like Europe, they learn the basic phrases to get by and have a pocket phrase book. Seems like illegals are the ones who dont give a shit about this country, the culture, the language. One example is when they earn the money here and...
  11. tte

    Thickness under the crown - VOTE IF YOU ARE IN THE PROBE GB!

    I thought since this is the first time Probe is doing a piston for the 7m, it would have been a good idea to have a set of pistons made, put in a motor, all the tuning done and put out 600rwhp. Use the 600rwhp daily for some period of time. Run some tests, or pull the head off or whatever...
  12. tte

    How do I determine what size Turbo I need?

    I dont think the company would like it. He is doing them a good favour and they are repaying him with another good favour. If he gets too greedy and does that and they learn about it I do not think they will like it. They will think he did this trade to make money off them. Cheers, Roy
  13. tte

    Thickness under the crown - VOTE IF YOU ARE IN THE PROBE GB!

    Any of you guys measured the thickness of the mkiv pistons or thought why Toyota designed it that way. I am sure MKIV pistons can handle 600 hp. cheers, Roy
  14. tte

    Ckanderson- Proposed to me

    Fucking gays! Cheers, Roy
  15. tte

    Infinity g35

    I think it was kewl what your friend said. cheers, Roy
  16. tte

    WHY THE MOTHER F__K!!!!!!!!!!!! parents had money to pay for my education and all their children. But i just wanted to earn my own money for my education and let my father save his money for himself. So I worked hard and earned a government scholarship. It was a contract to work for them when I graduated but I got...
  17. tte

    If you've never worked security

    Will I be allowed to take my nunchucks with me? Cheers, Roy
  18. tte

    Last thing you bought online!

    Oil Cooler and Remote oil thermostat. Cheers, Roy
  19. tte

    How do I determine what size Turbo I need?

    Ask for a Gt35R turbo...One of the best turbos out there.. IJ can tell you what A/R to use Cheers, Roy
  20. tte

    Lapping Plate

    Depends on how much needs to be done... But lapping is only for finishing. You will need to get it machined to make the deck flat and true. But I think one tube should do it... Cheers, Roy