Search results

  1. tte

    Best place to get stainless tubing? And let me add aluminized to that as well, lol...

    Thats right...There's one in Nor Cal. I bought 2.75" 6061 Aluminum 8 ft long for $12.00 You might want to look for local scrap yards in your area. Cheers, Roy
  2. tte

    some tow truck almost rear ended me today, look out for this prick;

    He must be gay....MAN DIC..and he is taking out his sexual frustration out by rear ending others. Cheers, Roy
  3. tte

    Engine kit

    Thats get what you pay for... But then again...I have seen people who have done more amazing stuff with a small budget than some people who had a big budget. So it all comes down to the knowldege and skill of the person. Cheers, Roy
  4. tte

    Funny Mustang incident

    "Empty vessels make alot of noise." Cheers, Roy
  5. tte

    Welp... im movin

    Whats wrong with Nor Cal? Cheers, Roy
  6. tte

    intake manifold

    Look in the Misc Vendors section and you will find more on FFIMs Cheers, Roy
  7. tte

    Dear God.... Horse Gore...? ***NWS*** (no boobs, sorry)

    Fucking Hell... What a mess... Cheers, Roy
  8. tte

    Disconnecting A340e

    I always unbolt the convertor and then the tranny housing bolts. Safer that way. I heard that too...incorrectly installed convertor breaks the pump. I checked my convertor several times before I bolted everything up. Cheers, Roy
  9. tte

    Anyone know of a good shop in ottawa canada?

    Ask some supra guys in your area to help you out. You order the parts and I am sure you will be paying alot less than $2100...probably pay a couple of hundred $$ to the guys... That way you can learn too. Cheers, Roy
  10. tte

    Horn Turns on Headlights

    I had the same problem when I bought my car. I cant remember how i fixed it. I think it had something to do with the stock alarm. Cheers, Roy
  11. tte

    Funny Aussie Travel Vid..(watch this one IJ)

    LoL....true Cheers, Roy
  12. tte

    Funny Aussie Travel Vid..(watch this one IJ)

    I havent seen the ones you guys run now...and I forgot almost most of them. Cheers, Roy
  13. tte

    Funny Aussie Travel Vid..(watch this one IJ)

    Too bad we dont get much Aussie or Kiwi programs here. I miss them. Cheers, Roy
  14. tte

    Funny Aussie Travel Vid..(watch this one IJ)

    I kept watching it and laughing esp seeing aussies kick the guy off the beach.. Heres another one. Cheers, Roy
  15. tte

    Funny Aussie Travel Vid..(watch this one IJ)

    I laughed when I saw it. Australia is so cool...Been there and wouldnt mind going again. Where the bloody hell are you mate, Ian? Cheers, Roy
  16. tte

    Problems to get a MHG

    Its best you get the block and head deck checked out to see if they need machining and then you can decide what size head gasket thickness you need. If you blew the head gasket again, that could mean that something was done incorrectly. Cheers, Roy
  17. tte

    flood cars...stay away?

    My uncle bought a flooded 2001 Toyota Sienna years back. I helped him take out all the seats, carpet and clean the interior and outside. Did basic tuneup and sold it $19,000. Alot of people wanted to buy it too. He bought it for $10,000 Cheers, Roy
  18. tte

    Illinois: Experienced Supra Owner Needed for Head Gasket Repair

    Well if you find a guy to help you out, he would probably have all the tools so you would not have to buy them. cheers, Roy
  19. tte

    HG replacement help/pricing

    Maybe make a thread in the FOR SALE Section reading: "WTB : EXPERIENCED SUPRA OWNER NEEDED FOR HEAD GASKET REPAIR" :biglaugh: I'm sure you will draw more attention and find some supra owner willing to help. Cheers, Roy
  20. tte

    HG replacement help/pricing

    I think thats too much... Just find an experienced supra owner in your area. He will help you out and you will save alot of money. He gets some money and you make a new friend. Cheers, Roy