just look at that beauty.
B buckshotglass I love all your sounds. Oct 21, 2006 4,081 0 0 Pa. __ __ __ _______ ___Don't shoot the messenger May 18, 2007 #1 just look at that beauty.
Quin Trans killer Dec 5, 2006 1,989 0 36 33 Columbus, IN May 18, 2007 #2 We already have a thread for drunk people dude
ForcedTorque Join the 92 Owners Group Jul 11, 2005 6,099 2 38 59 Satsuma, Alabama, United States May 18, 2007 #3 shit.....now I'm on the way to the store
Supracentral Active Member Mar 30, 2005 10,542 10 36 May 18, 2007 #4 I had a hot fudge sundae... But I eated it.
JustAnotherVictim Supramania Contributor Mar 30, 2005 4,722 6 38 The master of speaking without saying anything. May 18, 2007 #5 Ewwww... IC sammiches is gross.
B buckshotglass I love all your sounds. Oct 21, 2006 4,081 0 0 Pa. __ __ __ _______ ___Don't shoot the messenger May 18, 2007 #6 you're just jealous.
LilMissMkIII That Aussie Chick Aug 18, 2006 4,110 0 0 40 Aussie Land May 18, 2007 #8 We don't have ice cream sambos here Someone send me one????
da89soup World I Am Gay Blue!!! Dec 2, 2005 1,978 0 0 50 Fargo ND May 18, 2007 #9 Buckshot dont you have a car to finish????? You gots no time for Ice cream......:icon_bigg :icon_razz
Buckshot dont you have a car to finish????? You gots no time for Ice cream......:icon_bigg :icon_razz
tte Breaking In - in progress Mar 30, 2005 940 0 0 Northern California May 18, 2007 #10 I have eaten alot of those...Noice..!!! Cheers, Roy
7 7MA61 7MA61 Aug 27, 2006 98 0 0 Sydney May 18, 2007 #11 LilMissMkIII said: We don't have ice cream sambos here Someone send me one???? Click to expand... um maxi bon:3d_frown:
LilMissMkIII said: We don't have ice cream sambos here Someone send me one???? Click to expand... um maxi bon:3d_frown:
LilMissMkIII That Aussie Chick Aug 18, 2006 4,110 0 0 40 Aussie Land May 18, 2007 #12 Not the same!!!!
7 7MA61 7MA61 Aug 27, 2006 98 0 0 Sydney May 18, 2007 #13 http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/bring-back-monaco-bars-ice-cream-sandwiches.html sign the petition to bring them back then
http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/bring-back-monaco-bars-ice-cream-sandwiches.html sign the petition to bring them back then
B buckshotglass I love all your sounds. Oct 21, 2006 4,081 0 0 Pa. __ __ __ _______ ___Don't shoot the messenger May 18, 2007 #15 wow, I like started a movement or something.
JustAnotherVictim Supramania Contributor Mar 30, 2005 4,722 6 38 The master of speaking without saying anything. May 18, 2007 #16 buckshotglass said: you're just jealous. Click to expand... Nah, tastes like cold cardboard.
ForcedTorque Join the 92 Owners Group Jul 11, 2005 6,099 2 38 59 Satsuma, Alabama, United States May 18, 2007 #17 I just comed back from the store wid ICS's and sleeping pills. Samwich wuz good, and I'm going to bed
I just comed back from the store wid ICS's and sleeping pills. Samwich wuz good, and I'm going to bed
DreamerTheresa . Jun 6, 2006 2,488 12 38 42 Amerika www.dreamertheresa.com May 18, 2007 #18 I had a cake batter ice cream cone wif sprinkles. But I eated it. (SupraCentral took me out for icecream, yay Brewsters!)
I had a cake batter ice cream cone wif sprinkles. But I eated it. (SupraCentral took me out for icecream, yay Brewsters!)
Quin Trans killer Dec 5, 2006 1,989 0 36 33 Columbus, IN May 19, 2007 #19 JustAnotherVictim said: Nah, tastes like cold cardboard. Click to expand... I was just gonna go with bad, but if you've had both and can compare I'll take your word for it
JustAnotherVictim said: Nah, tastes like cold cardboard. Click to expand... I was just gonna go with bad, but if you've had both and can compare I'll take your word for it
OneJoeZee Retired Post Whore Mar 30, 2005 5,721 0 0 38 aboard the Argama May 19, 2007 #20 Chocolate is disgusting.