Learn something new every day! What kind of solvent would one use to strip the Viton Coating?
Unless your talking about a HKS stopper MHG the cometic is around the same price as the standard bead gasket. Sometimes the machining required (RA 30) is not feasible. I live in a small town and...
Do not reuse a head gasket. Cometic MHG's are not so picky and considered by many other car guys to be the best, but there not a huge name in the supra community.
The rubber boot that is protecting the end of the connecter simply pulls off. Be gentle thought cuz it might be brittle. Then take a small Awl and pick at the little tab holding the pin in from the front of the connector while pulling on the wire from behind. The pin will simply slide out. Find...
If you go to tires.com they have a tire size calculator on there. You type in the stock size and then the desired size and it will tell you the diffrence in size. Try to keep it the same height. Your speedo will only be off if the rears are not the same height.
245/45/18 seems a bit tall. You want to try and stay with the stock height. Which would put you around 245/35/18. A 245/45/18 is almost 2in taller than a stock tire that is probably why your tire is rubbing the strut. You also need to find out if your wheel has the correct offset. Go to a tire...
If your check engine light is not coming on when you turn your igniting on then your EFI fuse is blown or your not getting power to the ECU. Also check your CPS, Coilpack, Ignitor connectors.
Just remember EBAY does not make anything! So research what your buying.
I know alot of people talk crap about "Ebay" Turbo's, But dont hear anything but good from people actully running them. Just be sure to look into what you are buying. I bought a CT 60-1 of ebay one time that was a total...
Mine did the same thing and this was also the problem. The cam's and caps where all chewed up. Only made a hollow noise no other problems. Everyone kept saying it was rod knock but it was to high in the motor for that.
I know i waited for a mounth to get it. And when it finaly came my wife stole it from me and ran around the house with it making stupid car noises..lol
When i worked at Discout Tire we would not touch a car with spacers, if that tells you anything. you need to lower the car thougth. Right now it looks like you could be sponserd by Rancho..lol JK
I used the Duplicolor Viynal and fabric spary from Checker. I have had the Dash painted about 3 mounts now. Most of the time it has sat in the Arizona sun baking, and it has not begain to peel or anything. It still looks just as good as when i sprayed it. I cleaned it with Acetone and a green...
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