Its a SPARCO LAP5. BLK on BLK I bought it from Titan along with the MOMO Hub adapter. When i ordered the adapter i had to give them a part number because they said they didnt have it.
Very good quality! made in italy.
And Empera Did a very nice job on the armrest and E-Brake boot!
Oil will almost look white sometimes but will have a blue tint. Coolant smells kinda sweet. Mine did the same thing and a block test confirmed that it was indeed a BHG.
Well if that is what is wrong you have a good exscue to fix it and make it better!!
I wonder what type of spectrometer they use to measuer that. Just courious. I think you would want to use a teflon bottle thougth to get a accuate reading.
I can get you his info just shot me a PM. I dont know how far under Retail it would be. I have gotten him alot of buiness so it was kinda a favor for me..Just have to talk to him and see.
Probe pistons makes a decent forged piston for $480. My machinest recomended them to me and is giving me them for his price of $380. The guy that owns Probe is the son of the owner of ROSS. If anyone is intrested im sure i could get him to order awhole bunch and sell them for less then retail.
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