I may be the only person who will say this but I absolutely love the way the Pre89 Wing peeks around the side of the car. Looks mean I think. Just wish it had the same look from the rear.
If you want to keep the stock appearance the best solution is to get an IC kit that was made as a bolt on with stock piping. Spearco, HKS, Cartech, AMS. Those will give you a better core while allowing you if you choose to keep the stock appearance and use stock piping. Ive never used Cometic HG...
I because my camera died took a picture of my car. So I was only able to take one picture. I washed the car in case anyone is wondering what I "did" haha
My bumpers need to be resprayed hopefully will do that before the year is over
I don't remember the Type-S ever being loud or obnoxious?
Mine sounds normal I guess not super loud
I'm going to do a leak down test this weekend however I seems that my issue is getting worse it seems that on hot starts cylinder number 4 is flooding itself so now I'm kinda leaning more towards an ECU issue. Are 7M ECUs known to go bad
Dammit, so wiring from resistor to Injectors and ECU is good. Wiring for Injector 1 and 4 good. Spark Leads are in spec, Coils are in spec, Signal from the harness to coils good, Ignitor Good, Paper test showed the exhaust puffed the paper out when it missed. Hot start revealed a small puff of...
Ok I don't aspire to own a MK4 so I'm in the 5%. Yes I've driven one, a 450whp Single MK4, other than the fact its newer I couldn't see what the fuss was all about. The hype surrounding the car killed it for me because as you might imagine you go in expecting SO much out of it, thanks in part to...
Ok Im too tired to do any of the testing tonight, I will post tomorrow with my findings. Here are the picture of inside Cylinder 4 and its neighbor Cylinder 3. Just like the spark plugs only Cylinder 4 looks like that all the others have a nice tan colour on the pistons.
Cylinder 4
Cylinder 3
Stock coils. I used a screwdriver to listen to the injectors they all sounded the same. I've done the ignitor ground mod. I done have a spark tester. I do have pictures of inside the cylinder ill upload when I get off work. Ill try the spray.
I haven't gotten a tester yet. Ill try the paper test. The plugs except on #4 are fine. #4 is dry by the time I pull it but its just black. Doesn't look wet or an oily wet. Its dry and it does rub off doesn't smell like gas or oil. I did crank the car with no plugs and gas sprayed out of the...
So im starting to think it may be my valve stem seals (dunno how brand new seals could fail so early.) I recorded three videos one of start up, one outside to show the misfire, and then of my oil pressure cruising.
Im wondering if I need an oil restrictor on my GReddy TD06-20G or it has one...
The injectors after a ultrasonic cleaning all flow 456cc. I did put them all back in the same place except cylinder my problem cylinder. I moved that injector to cylinde #1. My plugs are in bad shape as most are from a harness this old. They are tightly on though. I checked the resistance cold...
I need to buy a tester and a air compressor. So looks like for now it will have to wait until I get one. So really a leak down test pretty much is going to be the only thing to do at this point. Man I'm going to be so pissed if something is wonky with the head.
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