So my rebuilt engine is running great a compression test this morning showed great results. Anyways its got this annoying misfire that I finally decided to at around 300miles to pull the spark plugs and see what the deal is. All the plugs except #4 looked good. #4 looks like its running rich maybe? Plugs look black. It definitely seems like it would cause my misfire. Its noticeable at idle and at above 1000rpms to 3000rpms after that it gets hard to notice. Compression on that cylinder was 175psi. I put in a new plug and drove it for another 150miles pulled the plug again and examined. Repeated again this time even shorter to see how fast its fouling. Pulled this most recent one at 540miles. I checked the injector resistance its within spec. I checked the pulse/sound of the injectors and compared with the others it all sounds the same. Ignition timing is set to 10' BTDC. Spark plugs are BCPR7ES Coppers. The only thing that could possibly affect fueling is a crack well cracks on my accordion hose where it meets the turbo. However that doesn't explain why its only affecting one cylinder. I know the cracks aren't helping and a new hose is on order from Toyota, I'm not sure what else it could be. Vacuum gauge reading at idle is about 21inHg. Vacuum on hard deceleration it pulls around 26-28inHG, so it would seem all is mechanically fine (block and head wise). BVSV is broken (ordered a new one) so Ive bypassed it for now. Checked the coils, and power to the coil harness as well as the Ignitor and all of those check out. CPS is brand new.
Here are pics of the plugs.
Plug #1 (300miles)
Plug #2 (150miles)
Plug #3 (100miles)
Here are pics of the plugs.
Plug #1 (300miles)

Plug #2 (150miles)

Plug #3 (100miles)
