Search results

  1. Raven97990

    A340E Basic Rebuild kit

    Kai- I own and have messed with a few of them =D It's mostly big snap ring pliers, tricks with screw drivers, and take a lot of time- What I'd recommend is maybe grab a spare box and build it for your first one- just in case something gets completely foobar you have one that at least...
  2. Raven97990

    A340E Basic Rebuild kit

    The kit covers just friction materials- but that generally is what wears out. I prefer new pumps over just a replacement bushing- but as far as if you could do it- take your time and follow the manual, and pay VERY VERY close attention to how you take everything apart, because if you miss 1...
  3. Raven97990

    5th gear popping out??

    That's the coolest failure I've seen to date- Nice perfect little cutout. When you drive- Do you leave your hand on the shifter? If so that can wear the hubs out- Other then that the most common causes are mis-installed detents, or a worn hub to cause the transmission to loose a gear. Does it...
  4. Raven97990

    iRacing 2.0

    Well then, we should start a referral circle taking turns at the top lol!
  5. Raven97990

    iRacing 2.0

    You can always buy the extra content and run in hosted sessions- they have the official racing leagues and then get a friend to host a custom race with whatever you want- The software is pretty flexible, I'd check to see what their minimum requirements are but they seemed really minor compared...
  6. Raven97990

    iRacing 2.0

    Yea- It was great, I posted a race and next thing I knew I had a referral reward from Mike. I got it to practice the Atlanta Motorspeedway road course, and I love it. I've had it just over a week and am finding myself slowly getting better at it. The most important key is to remember this: It's...
  7. Raven97990

    What are good brakes

    Slotted rotors do not reduce pad life, coming from experience. In my tow rig I used to need pads twice a year. Using a slotted rotor I'm now at nearly a year and a half I'm on the same pads that went on with the rotors, same brands as before. Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
  8. Raven97990

    damaged mkiv tt fuel pump. two small pieces?

    Was it a new pump? Why didn't they ship it in the OEM packaging?
  9. Raven97990

    damaged mkiv tt fuel pump. two small pieces?

    Not 100% sure on the brass rivot but the white piece is missing another section of it and goes into the broken discharge tube at the top (just grabbed a pump I had laying around to check)
  10. Raven97990

    No oil pressure?

    Fire it up- if within 10 seconds you do not have oil pressure shut it down. Silly question, you sure you filled it back up with oil?
  11. Raven97990

    A340e Hybrid transmission signal questions

    Thanks- That is what I thought, so now I need to have a signal reducer made, as there is no 12 ppr signal on the MK III that I can find.
  12. Raven97990

    Daily Driving a 2jzgte mk3

    I dealt with Josh at jdm engine depot, my motor does have good compression - they provided pictures. Bearings look new, minor condesation in the can tower but that cleaned out. Had one damaged vsv and the powersteering vacuum bypass was broken. Motor doesn't include ignitor or maf which for a...
  13. Raven97990

    Daily Driving a 2jzgte mk3

    I plan to drive the heck out of my vvti 2j. I know several people who DD mkiv supras, again like they said the key is to have a good clean proper swap. Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
  14. Raven97990

    turbo questions

    If you go with a CT-26 upgrade it is a water cooled turbo. IF you go with a non-oem upgrade without water cooling you want to loop the lines- connect the top to the return below bypassing the turbo charger. AS far as not needing a tune at the same boost pressure- You "can" get away without...
  15. Raven97990

    turbo questions

    I made 300rwhp and 363rwtq on a stock CT-26. And I kept blowing them up. I blew up a ct 26 in less then 15 minutes after putting it on. For 350rwhp you will need a upgrade. We carry several CT-26 upgrades as do most the other vendors on the forum.
  16. Raven97990

    turbo questions

    Black smoke under boost pressure doesn't mean your Turbo is bad. You most likely have a boost leak. Do you loose power or notice any cutouts while accelerating? Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
  17. Raven97990

    ’91 Turbo MK3 Supra sitting on SSR’s and pushing 400+HP@10PSI

    You'd run two on long piping intercooler setups. On Mk ivs its not uncommon to have one by the throttle body and on by the turbo. All to combat compressor surge. Honestly though latest technology bovs have solved this and you only need one. Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
  18. Raven97990

    A340e Hybrid transmission signal questions

    I am currently building a Hybrid A340e, and my ECU requires a input of 12 pulses per output shaft revolution- but I am using the MK III tail housing and sensor for ABS function, which outputs 36 pulses before revolution. Is the speed signal from the cluster to the ecu 12 pulses per output...
  19. Raven97990

    Mk4 auto trans in a mk3

    Are you planning to also run a 2JZ with 2JZ ecu? If not it can be very tricky, otherwise it's either expensive speedometer adapters and custom driveshafts or a hybrid transmission.
  20. Raven97990

    TEMS to ECU signals - help needed

    They are outputs from the ecu for throttle position if memory serves me correctly, and I'm not sure it'd be worth dedicating 3 outputs of a standalone for it. Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk