Two questions :
One: 91/92. Is the cruise control on the wheel, or the stalk?
Two: Are there any aftermarket steering wheels that have build in radio controls? It's a difficult thing to google as all the results are talking about integrating factory radio controls on the steering...
This is the kind of advice I'm looking for! Thank you.
I have a hard time seeing them not having enough cash on hand... it is a MK3 after all ;) Albeit one of the rarer ones, but a MK3 all the same.
He will pick us up at the airport, we'll go directly to the bank where the transaction will occur and then we will leave. Thanks for the idea though, that's a very valid concern.
There'll be over a week, more like two between the deposit and the withdrawal. If all goes as planned I'll be...
I'm going to call U.S. Bank in the morning to get their take on my question but as with any other service based company I'm expecting to get one answer on the phone and a completely different answer in person when it really comes down to it.
I'm going to be flying across the country to buy a...
We'll try this again....
I'm specifically looking for information on the 92 Teal... I was under the impression there was only 1xx made but I cannot figure out where that impression came from. I'd love to see the break down of how many targas/turbos/shadow gray/etc there were produced.
If he hit hard enough to blow the tires I imagine they are bent. Keep me up to date, depending on what you want I may buy 'em back from you as I'm looking for a new Supra this summer!
Sorry you're going through all this Josh, I know how much that car meant to you. Let me know if there's...
crap man, that's some shit! Keep me up to date with what happens to the car. Next one you get we can definitely throw a real alarm on there for you. Are the wheels busted up or just the tires?
Does anyone have personal experience with the iPad2's camera? A lot of reviews online say the camera is awful. I'm specifically wanting to be able to take photo's of serial numbers on computers for warranty purposes. I currently use my phone to do that but it has an 8MP camera and is able to...
Jumper on the drive or board? The only jumpers on the drives are to limit the speed from 3gbps to 1.5. Those are all off. As far as jumpers on the board.... I have not really looked into that, I don't think there are any. I'll give it a shot, thanks.
The system is freezing before it even loads the Intel (RAID) Controller, I really don't think the OS has anything to do with it. I work with RAID setups every day, and while I've had some pretty bizzare problems I've never seen anything like this.
I'm out of ideas on this one, maybe someone can lend some thoughts...
I have an ASUS P5E motherboard and three hard drives. Two Hitachi 2 TB drives I just purchased to mirror together for a storage drive and one Seagate 500 GB system drive. I'm running Windows 2008R2 but that's somewhat...
Is that correct grammar???
I have been seeing the word 'sale' being used in place of 'sell' a lot recently. Is this correct grammar? It sure seems wrong to me but I'm pretty far from understanding the intricacies of the English language :)
sockets and wrenches are Craftsman. Ratchets and screwdrivers are snap on. the rest is a cluster fuck between any manufacturer you can list. Any form of cutting plier is also snap on.
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