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  1. Justin

    The (old) Official Gun Thread. or similar.
  2. Justin

    what BOV? (CT26-57 trim)

    If you have an AFM something you can recirculate. If you're not running an AFM, Tial.
  3. Justin

    Tuner makes cops look like keystone cops....wreaks car.

    Hilarious. Staged or no I was enjoying it.
  4. Justin

    front 6.5"

    The door panels are different as well as the speaker boxes/mounts/baffles/whatever you want to call them. Both door panels and boxes from a 91/92 will fit in an 86-90. I'm under the impression the boxes will even fit behind the 86-90 panels but a huge portion of the speaker will be covered by...
  5. Justin

    Did Toyota ever change headgasket torque?

    What constitutes "upping the ponies" in your book figgie? I don't know if I mentioned or not but all I'm planning on doing(for now of course) is an intake and exhaust from the turbo back. I'm more concerned about being able to drive this Supra from here to California if I want to. My last...
  6. Justin

    Did Toyota ever change headgasket torque?

    I'm looking at a early model '91 with 88k on it. Stock head gasket and a one owner car. Did Toyota ever increase the torque on the head gaskets or was it at the 5x lbs the entire run of the line? If it does have the low torque what's the consensus on re-torquing?
  7. Justin

    Help finding a quote from the movie The Town

    I watched this movie the other night (pretty good film) and there was a quote I am trying to find but cannot find anywhere. I even found a copy of the script but it's not there so it must have been improvised or not a final copy of the script. The bigger dumb crook says the line, I don't...
  8. Justin

    PS3 Vs. BluRay player

    I'm asking if anyone has any experience with using a BluRay player as a media station like I currently use the PS3 for. I've just decided to go buy the BluRay and see if I like it. It's only 130 bucks and Costco has a great return policy. If I like it, great, if not, I'll drop it :)
  9. Justin

    PS3 Vs. BluRay player

    I have a PS3 and use it to stream audio and video from my PC running PS3MediaSever. Also I use the NetFlix app. That's ALL I use it for, I've literally never played a game on it. I bought it when BluRay players were still expensive as a PS3 and didn't offer any form of DLNA capability. The...
  10. Justin

    Need help deleting the ABS?

    I've got a set of Non ABS lines for sale if you're interested. They're a pita to ship though so it's not going to be super cheap.
  11. Justin

    Roadrage much? What a tool!

    Somewhat reminds me of the video of the hicks raging against some folks, following them all over town. The chasee finally stops, gets out, and pulls out a gun and sticks it in the chasers face. That fellow if VERY lucky the Mazda was not armed. You don't approach a car like that! You just...
  12. Justin

    WA Peoples: Go sign Initiative 1100!!!

    Privatize Liquor in WA state. Get the guvabmet out of the liquor business. I bought a half gallon of Captain in CA for 20 bucks... at Costco. Lets get that kinda industry going here! Just a bit over half way down. Mod...
  13. Justin

    Spokane Supras

    Yes, I happened to be in that certain gold mkii going sideways up division right as Ruby and Division join. Kind of unnerving. Thanks for that Mike :) I'll get another one soon. Justin, convince Dan to open up a spot for me and it'll speed up that process ;)
  14. Justin

    Wanna help me pick a new video card?

    Good, Didn't want your help anyway ;)
  15. Justin

    What to use to protect wiring going through firewall?

    Good thought, on your further thought. I've mainly used them for power wires and the like. I like those seals so much though I would go through the effort of de-pinning and re-pinning the harnesses :)
  16. Justin

    What to use to protect wiring going through firewall?

    Doesn't have to be Monster Cable brand, I'm sure they just rebadge/repackage anyway.
  17. Justin

    Wanna help me pick a new video card?

    Kai, the reason I mentioned I was planning on upgrading the rest of my system is I would rather spend the extra money on a card that may be limited due to my current system than buy a card which will limit my new system. Does that make sense?
  18. Justin

    Wanna help me pick a new video card?

    PCIe AMD x2 4400 2 gigs memory MB: ASRock 939Dual-Sata2 I'm considering upgrading soon though, the rest of my system is getting a little old :)
  19. Justin

    Wanna help me pick a new video card?

    I need a new video card to play COD4 2. It also needs to have dual digital outs. My Current card has one digital and one analog. I'm not wanting to spend more than 200 but I can be convinced if its worth it, I suppose. Really just looking at getting the best value for my money, I...
  20. Justin

    Post Your Desktop. (Some possibly NWS)

    post the original please.