Search results

  1. Justin

    Rust prevention

    I'm surprised it's so hard for people to understand why I want nice things on my car....
  2. Justin

    Rust prevention

    I don't like to have parts on my car rusty. I don't care if it's the exhaust that won't ever be seen, I like all aspects of my car to be as nice as possible. I'll look into 'em, thanks a lot.
  3. Justin

    Rust prevention

    I just bought a used test pipe from another member that has some surface rust on it (pretty fair amount). I'm going to sand the rust off and clean it up, does anyone have any suggestions on a product I can spray on the test pipe to prevent the rust from reforming? I know there will be...
  4. Justin

    Valve cover bolt kit

    Oh My.... It wasn't my lack of searching, it was me seeing 1J/2J and ignoring the rest of the post. Thanks :)
  5. Justin

    Valve cover bolt kit

    Link? I searched their site with " valve bolt " and waded through 90 results with no luck. I lack the search-fu Those are a little too snazy for me, I'd prefer the standard bolt.
  6. Justin

    Valve cover bolt kit

    I searched but there are an insane amount of results. Several years ago there was someone offering a kit that replaced the screws on the valve covers with bolts. Is that still available or do I need to go buy my own from home depot?
  7. Justin

    Why is this so cheap? Tanabe on Amazon

    This is definitely the wrong exhaust if you're after loud. On a related note, my exhaust is sitting next to me as I type. Just got delivered today. Now I just need to find a downpipe so I can install everything.
  8. Justin

    Apexi filter help Not sure if that helps, but it's a list of replacements.
  9. Justin

    Why is this so cheap? Tanabe on Amazon

    i had the older version of this one, the Super Hyper Medallion and loved it. Allegedly this one is identical just a little nicer looking and a little quieter so I'm sure I'll be quite pleased :)
  10. Justin

    Why is this so cheap? Tanabe on Amazon

    Uh, yeah. Ouch. Mine was 535 after tax (which would apply to you too, in WA) Have they already shipped it? See if you can cancel the order. For future reference checkout before HPF. They always seem to have excellent prices.
  11. Justin

    Why is this so cheap? Tanabe on Amazon

    Note post #4. I guess my original post was a little mis leading. My thought process was, buy it now, I still have time before they ship to cancel the order if someone finds a discrepancy. Time to find a DP and TP then I'll be ready to roll.
  12. Justin

    Why is this so cheap? Tanabe on Amazon

    Well I'm glad I ran across it before they sold out. Always good to save $130, especially as a MK3 owner :)
  13. Justin

    Why is this so cheap? Tanabe on Amazon

    There was three left before I posted ;) The seller appears to be Tanabe themselves, so I'm wondering if they're just clearing out their stock and releasing a new model or discontinuing the line.
  14. Justin

    Why is this so cheap? Tanabe on Amazon Why is this so much cheaper than ANYWHERE else? It's even cheaper than Aaron(by $130) and he's usually the cheapest. Am I missing something or is this just a deal worth pulling the trigger on? Edit: Here's...
  15. Justin

    Longest trip in your MK3?

    Nashville to Spokane, the long way. Up through Chicago then to Yellowstone, then up into Montana... Just a few miles shy of 2,500.
  16. Justin

    (Pics Added) I recieved my Tanabe Touring Medallion Exhaust

    Where did you get it for less than $600 shipped?
  17. Justin

    MKiii aftermarket alarm questions

    there's a walkthrough on a system with that same wiring harness on SM, search around and find it. The fellow did a really in depth write up/install guide.
  18. Justin

    DSL Modem Education

    Ahhh. So more than likely I'm getting VDSL. It's through CenturyLink who recently purchased Qwest. I don't know any more details than that. I'm renting a modem for the first month, it's only 5.99. I'd rather just buy my own if I'm going to be sticking with them for a while. Thanks for...
  19. Justin

    DSL Modem Education

    I just signed up for CenturyTel DSL 40mbps down the other day. I want to buy my own modem so I don't have to rent theirs. I looked on NewEgg and I'm seeing speed limitations on the Modems which kind of surprised me. Am I reading the specs correctly? Example...
  20. Justin

    Sure it's a 92 but seriously?

    That is a little high. I'm only asking $8,500 for my 92 Teal/Turbo/Targa/Charcoal.