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  1. Justin

    Don'e see many like this anymore... Prove me wrong!

    Targa. I'd never buy a Supra without a targa :) It's going to stay this way for a long time. It's an auto so I'm on the prowl for an R154, preferably out of a donor car so everything's there. Other than that, suspension and wheels, and a new radiator it'll stay how it is. I moved up to 5...
  2. Justin

    Don'e see many like this anymore... Prove me wrong!

    I bought a 92 Teal last summer. Just finished replacing a lot of hoses and gaskets Tuesday. I have a Raptor Racing DDP and Tanabe cat back I'm putting on this evening. It's bone stock except intake and the exhaust.
  3. Justin

    Don'e see many like this anymore... Prove me wrong!

    Funny story behind that car. When I had my 89, probably 6 years ago or so, I left a note under the wiper of a flawless 91, asking them to call me if they ever sold it. Well... about a year ago I got a phone call from them :) The older couple owned it from day one, they bought it brand new...
  4. Justin

    10mm or .40

    I'm referring to the XDms specifically, not the Compact.
  5. Justin

    10mm or .40

    .40 over 10mm in that regard, strictly for ammo costs. The new XDMs is avaliable (or soon to be) in .45, may be small enough for you.
  6. Justin

    Which plugs?

    Hey man nice to see you're still poking around here :) I wound up with NGK Platinums. G-Power I think the name was. I imagine they'll be fine for what I'll be putting them through.
  7. Justin

    Vibrant Exhaust Systems..something quieter?

    The Tanabe is really quiet, just really subtle and does get a little nasty once it's opened up.
  8. Justin

    Two questions

    Champion/Jay Marks on SF.
  9. Justin

    Two questions 12263-42010 I actually had that window open when I read your post. The hose on mine was so dry I cracked/broke it when I pulled the valve cover off. There's dealer who gives SupraForums members cost+10% or something...
  10. Justin

    Which plugs?

    I've got the Supra torn down to replace a bunch of gaskets so I figured I'd do the plugs and wires while I was at it. Driftmotion has three sets, ranging from $2-$8 each. I'm not opposed to spending $8 a piece, but I want to make sure it's actually worth it? I'd really rather not have to...
  11. Justin

    Time for an aftermarket stereo... HELP!

    Was there one or two blue wires in the stereo side harness? Also, you can wire in a switch to cut power to the antenna while you're listening to a CD/iPod etc, if you're so inclined.
  12. Justin

    Time for an aftermarket stereo... HELP!

    Do you have a multimeter? Just find the wires. I'm sure that's in the TSRM. I'd find it for you but I'm seriously short on time at the moment (explain to me why I'm on SM instead of studying :rolleyes: )
  13. Justin

    Time for an aftermarket stereo... HELP!

    Yes, as posted a few posts up we have two. One is in the rear window and the other is the obvious one. Just hook the larger of the two up, it should fit directly into the aftermarket radio. Disgard the smaller one, there's nothing to do with it. TSRM will have that. You're MOST LIKEY...
  14. Justin

    Time for an aftermarket stereo... HELP!

    It's been a while since I've been behind the dash but I have NO recollection of a white wire, it could be something aftermarket. You should have two antennas, one 'normal' size and one that is a little smaller than the normal one, then your two parts of the wiring harness. Going from memory...
  15. Justin

    Time for an aftermarket stereo... HELP!

    What white wire? Take a picture and post it
  16. Justin

    Ghetto Leak plugs?

    Fix it right.
  17. Justin

    Ruger MKIII

    Yeah figured as much. I wanna replace my marlin with a 10/22 eventually. May just supplement it instead :-) I love the subsonics in my Single Six. Lot's of fun!
  18. Justin

    Ruger MKIII

    Anyone have one of these? Thoughts? I'm strongly considering getting one just for the kicks. I love .22s and have several, no semi auto pistols though. What's the noise like? I can shoot my Marlin (similar to a 10/22) without any ear protection at all, it's REALLY quiet, I imagine the...
  19. Justin

    Rust prevention

    The rust is primarily on the flanges and bolts, so I'm going to replace the bolts and coat what I can. I'm not worried about a spec or two, but the flanges are so coated right now I'm concerned about the rust transferring (I don't know if this is a warranted concern or not) to my brand new...