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  1. MDCmotorsports

    Need help with JPG to vectored art work

    Guys, I need help with the following pictures: I need them from jpg/png format to vectored artwork. HELP? :-)
  2. MDCmotorsports


    As per this thread: We need to establish a meeting and place for all of you that are comming from the south & east through Indianapolis to CHI2k7. Please state what route and what time you are going to be in the Indianapolis area.
  3. MDCmotorsports

    Mario Brothers with a Tesla Coil Holy sh!t is all I know to say.
  4. MDCmotorsports

    My new "baby"

    Not a supra, but still a Toyota. :-) She'll be here in my stable sat night. Can't wait!
  5. MDCmotorsports

    Need to ship a car

    I need to ship a running, but not road worthy car from Indianapolis Indiana to New Jersey. ASAP!
  6. MDCmotorsports

    Interview question

    If you were on duty, as an officer, and you pulled over the [chief of police][cheif's mother][cheif's wife] for a DUI, what would you do?
  7. MDCmotorsports

    Officer Murdered by driver of supra
  8. MDCmotorsports

    Funny pic thread *NWS*

    I'll start....
  9. MDCmotorsports


    Any body want to fess up to who owns this? It had rims, blue head lights, and was travling west on 46 last night around 12:00.
  10. MDCmotorsports

    Idea for SILV07... Gun lovers enter here! YEAH! Im on it. :biglaugh:
  11. MDCmotorsports

    Think you've seen the ultimate sleeper?

    Think again. I wouldn't have thought twice to run this POS looking Datsun. I would have found out soon enough. YIKES!
  12. MDCmotorsports

    Every thing you wanted to know about A/N fittings

    Well I figured this needed to be posted sooner or later so.... The "-" in front of the AN fitting is called a "dash" not a negative. If you saw "AN -4" or "-4 AN" you would pronounce A N dash four. The number after the AN, refer to the size of hose it connects to in 16th's (x/16)...
  13. MDCmotorsports

    The World's Shortest books

    FRENCH WAR HEROES by Jacques Chirac ______________________________________ THINGS I LOVE ABOUT MY COUNTRY by Jane Fonda & Cindy Sheehan. Illustrated by Michael Moore ________________________________________ MY BEAUTY SECRETS by Janet Reno...
  14. MDCmotorsports

    I think Ive gone crazy

    Is there any body else that can't edit their avatar slogan? I don't have the option any more..... :-(
  15. MDCmotorsports

    Web masters - How to question

    I need to replace the "index.htm" file with a new one. My MS front page won't replace the old index file with the new. How do I blow away the old index or am I going about it all wrong? Thanks!