Search results

  1. MDCmotorsports

    A340 Info for Problems and repair

    Special thanks to for the info.
  2. MDCmotorsports

    Trig people enter here

    Its been since 1998 that Ive had to use Trig. You don't use it, you loose it. Somebody find x and y for me. Ive come up with too many answers to be correct...
  3. MDCmotorsports

    Paging Mark Eastep

    Paging Mark Eastep. Please email me. Thank you.
  4. MDCmotorsports

    Now you can cook your Taliban and eat it too!
  5. MDCmotorsports

    Just announced: USA breeding dumbasses. Man jailed for trying to pass $1M bill PITTSBURGH - Change for a million? That's what a man was seeking Saturday when he handed a $1 million bill to a cashier at a Pittsburgh supermarket. But when the Giant Eagle...
  6. MDCmotorsports

    Electric door lock mechanism

    Are the door lock mechanisms in our cars all have the same plugs through the years? My 89 got eaten by mice, and I have a 87 available to me.
  7. MDCmotorsports

    How to: Prime your CT12/CT20/CT26 with oil

    This is for a turbo or turbos that are already off the car. Supplies & Tools Needed 14mm socket or wrench Filter wrench Lint free rags Brake cleaner, non petroleum base. CRC works great. Clean drain pan Coffee filter Clean oil (enough for an oil change) Flexible pipe cleaners 17mm...
  8. MDCmotorsports

    Any one identify this wastegate?

    I have this wastegate going on the car. I can't find any thing wrong with it, but I would like to know who makes it. Appears to be around a 44mm or so gate.
  9. MDCmotorsports

    MDC's Holset/89 turbo silver buildup

    Im not going to write much untill I get some pictures. Basically I found a 89' turbo 5 speed, 100% original silver paint, no rust, gray interior, non TEMS rotting in a corn field. This thing even had the original "Warning, turbo charged engine shut down information..." sticker on the...
  10. MDCmotorsports

    Dark bronze rims on a silver mk3?

    Any body have any pics of dark bronze rims on a silver mk3??????
  11. MDCmotorsports

    Who was the first person in space?

    Well? What did you learn in history class? Do you believe every thing the teacher tells you? If you said Russian cosmonaut Russian Yuri Gagarin, who was launched into space on April 12, 1961, you'd be wrong. Yuri Gagarin was the first person to orbit the Earth. The first man in...
  12. MDCmotorsports

    How To: Install new carpet and rid the car of mice

    Well, I just picked up another supra to the MDC stables. Its a mint 89 turbo, original silver paint, great interior, no TEMS from the factory 5 speed. No rust, 100% original every thing. Looks great! The bad? The mice have made it smell nice and they ate all the stuffing out of the...
  13. MDCmotorsports

    Photobucket help...

    Any body else having problems with photobucket? When I log in, all I get on the ENTIRE PAGE IS THIS: () Thats it. I click view source, and it says, () Thats it. Ive even tried putting in my album address: And I...
  14. MDCmotorsports

    How rare?

    How rare is a TAG toyota helper light that plugs into your cig lighter? I found one the other day in mint condition....
  15. MDCmotorsports

    S.O.S. (Save our supras!)

    Heres another supra for some one to rescue! Im sure its going to go for cheap. I wish I had the extra cash, Id go and grab this thing.
  16. MDCmotorsports

    Tell me sumn about rap...

    Why in the world can some one with bed sheets for clothes hanging off them, repeat the same f'uggin words over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and get paid.... MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR IT!?!!?!!??!?!?!?!?! Seriously!!>!?!? I could be like DJ Mc...
  17. MDCmotorsports

    BIG. Hairy. Pussy. *NWS*

    Its spread eagle shot and every thing. If you like big harry puss then here you go.... Gotcha! Now get back to work and have a great monday!
  18. MDCmotorsports

    Fighting a hurricane in Chicago

    On saturday night (8-12) and sunday morning Noah89T, Forcedtorque, Buckshotglass & I get back from Dave & Busters. We start shooting the sheeeet about 1.30am. I decide to start cleaning my windows and just random crap to the car for the next day's car show. About 2am buckshotglass...
  19. MDCmotorsports

    ***Official CHI2k7 Dyno Results***

    MKIV Single: Rizwan Misbah 1994 White Auto w/SP73 - 583HP low boost Robert Mata 1994 Red Auto w/SP70 - 289HP Sal Gotto 1995 Black SP400 w/undisclosed turbo - broke MKIV Stock Twins: Chris Lory 1994 Red 6spd BPU - 400HP Nelson Matias 1995 Black 6spd BPU - 391HP Gary Bechtold 1997 Silver...
  20. MDCmotorsports

    Row row row your boat...

    ....Gently down the stream....