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  1. MDCmotorsports

    Well Im perplexed...

    To begin: I feel Ive always been here for the good of the community and its members (this includes sharing some things private to the public & aimed at keeping the public informed), so I decided to share my thoughts and feelings with you all. Ive been informed that Im fired from my duties...
  2. MDCmotorsports

    Gun guys: STI LS 9 opinion

    Well, I found a gun that I really like. Not only for its size, but also the weight and the reports of others online how well it shoots. My question if for you gun guys: Have you ever had any experience with the STI 1911 copies? Have you ever heard of any major problems with the STI LS...
  3. MDCmotorsports

    Every wonder how much a ct26 wheel will flow?

    Well, I believe I have found the answer. There is a compressor wheel off of a garrett to4B, that measures out to be a 42 trim, 49.5mm inducer, 70mm exducer. This wheel is rated at 40lbs/min @ PR of 3.2. Just food for thought....
  4. MDCmotorsports

    Golf club question

    Why are drivers so "light" in the head? Would there be an advantage of having an oversized driver (like the big bertha ect) but having one that is heavy rather than super light?
  5. MDCmotorsports

    Computer help - Right mouse click

    When Im surfing the web, and I right mouse click for options, the option bar doesn't come up untill you scroll over it. Whats the deal?
  6. MDCmotorsports

    Did you know inlines 6 engines weren't for perfomance?

    This guy is a tool! LOL If only he knew back in the day the secrets of the 7m, 1j & 2j inline 6 engines.
  7. MDCmotorsports

    Dogs can fly!
  8. MDCmotorsports

    Addicting game Top scores with screenshots...
  9. MDCmotorsports

    Anybody here a Subaru tech?

    I know I know "oooooh forbidden question." But is any body here work at or is a subaru tech? I have a 93 impreza and Im having one hell'va time with some wiring.
  10. MDCmotorsports

    Need body help

    I was wondering how to make fenders like this (upt top and below) for our supras?
  11. MDCmotorsports

    Interesting thought / idea about the block deck

    So I was contemplating the other day. If you were to have a metal to metal epoxy, something oh say like jb weld... And it was made to handle high temps oh say like cyl head temps... And if your block wasn't quite smooth and had some pitting in it.... You could fill the pitted areas...
  12. MDCmotorsports

    Windows Gurus help needed

    I found a torrent file of my precious Front page, only problem is..... ITS IN SWEEDISH How can I change this into English?
  13. MDCmotorsports

    Microsoft frontpage help

    Ok gang, any body have a copy of this POS program? I have one here, but for the love of god its "missing" a file. And guess what? Ol' Billy Gates wants hundreds of dollars for that one file. Any help out there?
  14. MDCmotorsports

    Question: Helium in space

    We all know that helium is lighter than air. And a helium balloon rises due to the fact its lighter than the air around it, and it reacts in the opposite direction of gravity - it goes up. What happens when you put that same balloon in an air enviroment, but with zero gravity?
  15. MDCmotorsports

    Black 89+ at John Waynes in Greenwood Indiana

    Alright, who was it? Gotta be some one on here....
  16. MDCmotorsports

    What I used to do...

    Alot of you don't know me, with the exceptions of my posts here on the forums. This is my first love of motorsports (before the supras). I used to drive for about 4 years straight out of high school, untill I ran out of money. I get a laugh with all these kids who "drift". BULL SHIT...
  17. MDCmotorsports

    Rant: MTV's my super sweet 16 *Sweet Language inside*

    Ok Im pissed and Im ranting and Im cursing..... What a load of fucking bull shit that show is!?? "Like oh my god, Im a little princess and I deserved every dime." WTF and who the fuck are you!?!?!??! And why in the world would any one in thier right minds spend $300,000 dollars on a...
  18. MDCmotorsports

    Dallas / Ft. Worth Question

    Would like to know who lives in the Dallas area or Dallas. Whats the cost of living, whats the houses like, traffic, night life, crime, etc etc? What about car exhaust / inspections????
  19. MDCmotorsports

    Need help

    As some of you know, Im trying to get rid of my supra. Im going to be building an all out, full road race, FIA/SCCA style supra for time attack and general road racing events. I need a supra body grafted onto the following immage WITH the wing of race car and the attena left alone....:
  20. MDCmotorsports

    Lets say I break into your house...

    Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to...