Search results

  1. MDCmotorsports

    Men: Bread winner?

    If you're a man.... And you're NOT the bread winner in your home... Does this make you feel like you're on egg shells around the house? Do you still "call the shots" when SHTF? Were you the main bread winner and now you're not - how have things changed? Or have they? Input please.....
  2. MDCmotorsports

    Any Kiwi's on the board?

    I have a few questions about your beautiful home. PM me please.
  3. MDCmotorsports

    Want to buy a "Chinese" / Ebay turbo?

    Think again. This is what happens when you put a Chinese Holset copy on a dyno.
  4. MDCmotorsports

    Line art creation

    Who here is good with taking a photograph and making it into an outline aka line art. Black and white line art. Let me know.
  5. MDCmotorsports

    Doward at the Holliday Inn

    Doward is on vacation so to speak. Im the only SME here at the moment for a while. Please be patient if you don't see your question pop up here in the turbocharger section the moment you post it. IJ and some others will be helping out in the mean time. Thanks!
  6. MDCmotorsports

    Obama Fan

    Freakn awesome. :-)
  7. MDCmotorsports

    Its a shame its illegal to just shoot some people...
  8. MDCmotorsports

    You dirty little tart!
  9. MDCmotorsports

    The *official* Chi2k8 Thread

    Well ladies and gents, its that time again! CHI2k8 is comming! CHI2k8 will be August 21-24 Here the plan so far (subject to change) -Thursday Cruise in, meet and greet, possibly a small group dinner / after hours shenanigans. -Friday Lunch Group meeting for every one...
  10. MDCmotorsports

    Stroke of stock shocks

    Whats the piston stroke of the stock shocks, front and rear?
  11. MDCmotorsports

    Wtf Plx?

    So is it just me, or did PLX discontinue the M-300 wideband? What happened, and where can I get something this simple again?
  12. MDCmotorsports

    Oral Interview Question (and I don't mean Bill Clinton Style)

    Well, Im thinking about trying out for the local PD again. I have a GIANT MENTAL ROAD BLOCK. Theres one question the Oral Interview... "Tell us about your strengths and weaknesses." The problem is, I have no idea the answer to this question. It's kind of sad - I should know every thing...
  13. MDCmotorsports

    If you have nuts, scream
  14. MDCmotorsports

    E85 and Ethanol/Methanol. The ins & outs of AFR's

    Ok, time to do some big home work. Im lost to begin with. I was reading through Dok33's post on his E85 build, and he states that the AFR will be 14:7, the same as gasolene. I have a problem with this.
  15. MDCmotorsports


    Ok, so it hit me. We have dumb fucking idiots who are writing todays news. We have dumb fucking idiots who continue to "pass" on this great wealth of knowledge. All the while most of it is complete BS because this guy "heard" it from that guy, and that guy's great aunt Suzy heard it from her...
  16. MDCmotorsports

    God Ian, you're one grumpy muther fugger (You know I love you roo wrestler.)
  17. MDCmotorsports

    Reworking my stock 7m wiring harness

    Ok guys and gals. Ive seen this stuff a few times on some cars over the years, but never had the chance to ask the owner where they got it from. Im looking for the high temp nylon looking wire loom/wrap to re-wrap the wiring harness in. Ive seen some guys use it when they redo their...
  18. MDCmotorsports

    Movie Night - Vantage Point

    Part 1: Part 2: Part 3...
  19. MDCmotorsports

    Movie Night - Jumper

    Have a movie night at home... Part one: Part two: Part three: Part four:
  20. MDCmotorsports

    What is wrong with these people?

    What the f@#$@#$ck is wrong with people these days?