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  1. MDCmotorsports

    Help! My turbo charger is broke!

    Read this easy to follow symptom tree, and then decide what you need to do.
  2. MDCmotorsports

    If you see this man....

    Tell him that the chair lost! Buwhahahhah!!! (For all of you that went to CHI2k7, I FINALLY got pictures)
  3. MDCmotorsports

    Feed me your kids

    K thanx!
  4. MDCmotorsports

    Lets talk gun safes

    Well, school me. Ive got lots to lock up, and I want to know what to look for especially in terms of fireproofing. I also don't want biometrics or electronic locks - I want an old school dial type. So lets begin....
  5. MDCmotorsports

    Owned by the dentist

    I got a temp crown done yesterday, and 3 impressions. I swallowed some sort of dental material yesterday. The result? Ive been up since 3am puking. This sucks. /rant.
  6. MDCmotorsports


    Who ever you are, if I ever meet you, I will kick your balls back up into your throat for doing this to a MKIV. You could have at least done this to a NA auto. You should have your car taken from you and then given a Chevette. Rice the Chevette as much as you want buddy...:3d_frown...
  7. MDCmotorsports


    Does any one really eat that crap? I mean seriously!
  8. MDCmotorsports

    Our former banned members need to see this when they log in...
  9. MDCmotorsports

    Interesting Read on the use of Chrome moly in roll cages

    Its a long read. If you really want to understand how motorsports turn corrupt against safety for the sake of going fast and making money... READ:
  10. MDCmotorsports

    7MGTE spark plug for $25 EACH?

    Interesting... Wonder if they work or just a gimmick?
  11. MDCmotorsports

    Supra VS Bank Robber

    Click on the video...
  12. MDCmotorsports

    Any body in south Florida willing to pick this up for me? I would need for you to pick it up and get it on a wooden skid so I can call a shipping company. Let me know....
  13. MDCmotorsports

    Officer to douchebag in 3.1 seconds.

    I love our local LEOS. I think most officers are good people. This officer on the other hand needs his arresting powers revoked, his duty weapon taken, badge stripped, and possibly sent to jail.
  14. MDCmotorsports

    PRO-GUN. Gotta love it!
  15. MDCmotorsports

    Still think supras aren't tanks?

    This isn't for the weak stomached. Especially if you're a true supra lover. Just goes to show that are cars really are tanks!
  16. MDCmotorsports

    Gun nuts: Walther PPS

    I haven't seen any of these for sale yet on gunbroker or even at the local gun store. Does any body have any experience with these? Im really wanting one since I own the P22 and the P99 Walthers.
  17. MDCmotorsports

    Root Canals

    Why is it that a root canal is supposed to get rid of all the nerve tissue and tooth pulp but after the procedure your tooth hurts like a mother@#$T%(#%#*(%@*#%(@#*%(@*%@(*%@(%*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  18. MDCmotorsports

    Molybedium Disulfide and MPZ

    How about covering what each of these additives do, where they come from, and if they are good or bad....
  19. MDCmotorsports

    A341e help. Auto trans mk4 peeps enter here...

    I just tried pulling the codes on my 95 SC400. As I have been told, it has the same transmission as an auto mk4. The od light blinks 3 times, then 8. I see no code 38 on any troubleshooting chart. Help please.
  20. MDCmotorsports

    How is this possible? (Electronic gurus enter here) This has my attention. How does the battery stay on the coat hanger?