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  1. SC61 MK3

    badass mk3 supra drifting

    Pretty badass
  2. SC61 MK3

    Any trick to removing a stuck fill plug in the differential?

    Haha he didn't say if he drained it first lol If you still can't get it you can try this. Jack the car up high and attach really long breaker bar to diff plug. Wedge the breaker bar against the ground and slowly lower the car down using the jack and the weight of the car should crack it loose...
  3. SC61 MK3

    My damn factory alarm...

    this is actually pretty clever.
  4. SC61 MK3

    Planning 2014 Standalone Upgrade - Question...

    How many mkiii's have you seen over 400hp with the stock airbox? How many over 300hp? Shit I don't think I've ever even seen one in person with the stock airbox. Its one of the first things that usually get changed but I guess you know something that every other modded supra owner in the world...
  5. SC61 MK3

    Planning 2014 Standalone Upgrade - Question...

    OK good, we are getting somewhere lol. My personal opinion is that for your setup and goals a standalone is totally unnecessary. Properly modding a car should be done in steps or "stages" You basically want to get the most restrictive or inefficient things out of the way first, which is pretty...
  6. SC61 MK3

    Planning 2014 Standalone Upgrade - Question...

    Most e85 setups I've seen usually have 1000cc or higher injectors
  7. SC61 MK3

    Planning 2014 Standalone Upgrade - Question...

    The ONLY reasons for going to a stand alone is if you are "maxing" out the capabilities of what the stock ecu can handle along with some fine tuning from piggy backs. IMO it should not even be an option unless you want way more than 500whp, running race fuel and high boost 25+psi, Running very...
  8. SC61 MK3

    Planning 2014 Standalone Upgrade - Question...

    Apparently one guy in one week can tune a car to drive to better than an entire company with millions of dollars and unlimited resources
  9. SC61 MK3

    How to Replace a MKIII Driveshaft Carrier Bearing for $50

    No issues at all, slid right on and bolted right up. If you look at my old carrier you can see how it was sagging down and I could move the driveshaft up and down .5"-1" with the old one, now it is nice and tight with no play
  10. SC61 MK3

    How to Replace a MKIII Driveshaft Carrier Bearing for $50

    I'm not sure about a part number, it was a local shop and came in a blank box but I can swing by and see if they have more in stock. And yes it was wayyyy cheaper than oem and quality seemed top notch
  11. SC61 MK3

    How to Replace a MKIII Driveshaft Carrier Bearing for $50

    I just took my old one to a local shop and they had a direct fit replacement, installed it the other day and its perfect. Got rid of all my driveshaft slop.
  12. SC61 MK3

    Planning 2014 Standalone Upgrade - Question...

    You do know that running too rich can damage the motor right? "OK, I’m just going to turn the fuel pressure way up and run extra fat, that way I won’t hurt anything. If you run too rich, you will “wash out” the rings. First, excess fuel will run down the cylinders taking...
  13. SC61 MK3

    52k mile Craigslist Turbo in GA

    Feel free to peer down upon the commoners in this Royal Coach Lol
  14. SC61 MK3

    Project 88 MKIII - A Calgary build

    I wouldn't be surprised if your turbo is dying already. Stock intercooler has a horrible pressure drop at those boost levels making your turbo work extra hard and the stock blowoff valve is known for not working right above stock boost. Why you dumped god knows how much money in this thing and...
  15. SC61 MK3

    Concerning Noise

    Jack the car up and spin the wheels by hand
  16. SC61 MK3

    Safe to use brake cleaner on LSD?

    I dont think brake cleaner is the best idea... maybe one of the last things I'd want inside my diff. Just drain it good and if you're really paranoid flush it with a qt of the new fluid first.
  17. SC61 MK3

    Need Help! Rear Diff Noise After Suspension Rebuild

    When the rear of the car is gutted you hear EVERYTHING. So it could have been happening but you couldn't hear it before. If you rotate it by hand and can hear the clunk its time for a rebuild and you're going to have to open it up. Check the tsrm or start looking for a used one
  18. SC61 MK3

    Some issues after BHG Fix

    And by slight resurface do you mean you scrubbed it for a few minutes with some dish soap and a old scotch brite pad you found under the kitchen sink? Or was the block disassembled and actually resurfaced?
  19. SC61 MK3

    Some issues after BHG Fix
  20. SC61 MK3

    Help?! i think my timing is in a different zip code again.

    He doesn't need that, the code reader is better