Need Help! Rear Diff Noise After Suspension Rebuild


New Member
May 24, 2012
Hello everyone!

I recently finished redoing my entire suspension. I had the subframe and diff separated but did not open the diff...only thing I did to the diff was clean and paint it. I finished reassembly and took it for a drive and right when the clutch engages, and the drive line gets loaded, I hear a clunk. Once I am moving there are no weird noises or vibrations...but when I push in the clutch to change gears it clunks, then when I let out the clutch to engage the new gear it clunks. But my buddy said he couldn’t hear it from outside the vehicle (car running). Also, there is no rear interior in the car.

So this weekend I built some ramps to get under the car with the suspension still loaded, I checked all of the bolts and they are all torques to spec. I then put it in gear and had a buddy slowly rock the car forward and backward and the clunk was extremely obvious (could actually hear it outside the vehicle with no exhaust noise). I climbed under the car while he continued to rock it and the sound is definitely coming from the driveshaft/diff union. First thing that came to mind was U-joints, I took off the driveshaft (one piece) and the U-joints are fine.

If I rotate the input of the diff back and forth I can hear the now I know the clunk is from the rear diff. I measured the rotational motion of the input to be 2.5 - 3 degrees. I checked the TSRM but I could not find any backlash specs in degrees...only in mm.

I know I have heard of LSD diffs making noise, and I honestly don't know if it made the noise before I did the suspension.

Here are a few thought I have:
- The clunk is normal and I just couldn't hear it in the vehicle in the past because the interior was installed and the suspension wasn’t very stiff so the noise was damped out enough. However, the noise is more obvious now because I have no interior and I have stiffened the suspension so much that the clunk is not be damped much.

It just seems weird that it would start all of a sudden when no work was done to the diff...

The diff has fresh royal purple max gear in it.

Does anyone have any insight/thoughts on this? Is this noise normal? If not, any idea what it could be?

Any input is appreciated!! Thanks!

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
my 89 did this when I switched to a 1-piece driveshaft... I assumed it was normal.... slack in u-joint? I could be wrong... my engine had sheered completely off the mounts and was sitting a bit sideways, so I think my diff could easily have sustained damage from that...

from what I'm reading now it sounds like a failed crush sleeve....
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New Member
May 24, 2012
What if water go in through the breather while I was cleaning it? This would decrease lubricity...maybe make gear noise louder??


A HG job took HOW long??
Mar 30, 2005
Victoria, BC, Canada
Read the TSRM, see if there is anything in there about it. Maybe someone with more knowledge than me can chime in. I suppose you could change your diff fluid, see if that helps?


New Member
my n/a has clunking coming from the diff and has been clunking for about 50,000 kms. I have heard bad things when people put royal purple gear oil in there diff's because of it being too thin/slick of an oil being a synthetic i personally use castrol in both my turbo and n/a mk3.

SC61 MK3

New Member
Apr 4, 2005
When the rear of the car is gutted you hear EVERYTHING. So it could have been happening but you couldn't hear it before. If you rotate it by hand and can hear the clunk its time for a rebuild and you're going to have to open it up. Check the tsrm or start looking for a used one


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Crush sleeve is notorious for causing issues (one of the big cost cutting items in cars, and it sucks).

What exactly did you do when you redid the suspension? If you replaced the subframe mounts with solids, that's your answer as it will transmit the noise into the car.


New Member
May 24, 2012
Poodles;1914062 said:
Crush sleeve is notorious for causing issues (one of the big cost cutting items in cars, and it sucks).

What exactly did you do when you redid the suspension? If you replaced the subframe mounts with solids, that's your answer as it will transmit the noise into the car.

I reinforced the subframe, install red poly subframe bushings from ronnie, red energy suspension bushings on upper control arms, battle version suspension links, Tokico IIs with Eibachs, rebuilt hubs, new parking brake, stoptech rotors, EBC pads...

I am thinking that stiffening everything is just transmitting more noise...and I dont have an interior right now so it is even further louder

I am going to change the diff fluid to ford with modifier this weekend. If that doesnt fix it then I am just gonna say screw it...if it blows up I will get a new one.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Empty a can of food. Put said can up to your ear and tap it with a fork or something. Now stuff said can with newspaper or cotton. Repeat the tapping.

Notice a difference? ;)


New Member
May 24, 2012
Changed the rear diff fluid to the ford oil with the friction modifier and it did not get rid of the clunk.

Must be the empty can theory