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  1. lppro

    Painting Questions and progress pics.

    when i did my can i stripprd it down to nothing.. ie: doors targa hatch all molding and taped it all off and sprayed.. this way you can get the door jams to...
  2. lppro

    Is it BHG or Coolant Leak *Video*

    no vid here either....
  3. lppro

    oil in #6 spark plug...

    omg i have no clue what happened... but i looked into the plug hole before i put the new plugs in.. and it was completley dry! wich makes no sence... but its fine with me.. lol i put the new plugs in and everything back togeather and WOW she has never ran this good.... this was freakin wierd...
  4. lppro

    oil in #6 spark plug...

    ok well ill go to my local auto parts store tomorow and get a comp. test kit...
  5. lppro

    oil in #6 spark plug...

    whare can i get the tools to do these tests? and i know what a comp, test is but what is a leak down test? sry if thats a noob question... lol
  6. lppro

    oil in #6 spark plug...

    what else could it be?
  7. lppro

    oil in #6 spark plug...

    what do you think could caus this? am i correct to think that the ring gaps might be lined up?
  8. lppro

    oil in #6 spark plug...

    but, correct me if im worng if it were a leeking cam cover woundent mt spark plug vally cover and vally be full of oil? how would oil from the cam cover get into the cylinder?
  9. lppro

    oil in #6 spark plug...

    ok so i was just changeing out my plugs on my freshley rebuilt 7m (has many other issues) i thought it was just burning oil because its a new motor and the rings havent set yet... well heres what the #6 plug looked like: all of that oil on my hand came from the plug... im thinking that the...
  10. lppro

    whare to buy thin net cable for knock sensors

    ide buy one... anyone still sellin them?
  11. lppro

    whare to buy thin net cable for knock sensors

    ok... well Im going to try... so i know when the wireing is bad the ecu retards the timing and rods power but if you actually have a knock and the wires are good will it do the same? i only ask because i have a very small knock but i know the wireing it bad because the code said oper cirket so...
  12. lppro

    whare to buy thin net cable for knock sensors

    so i need to re wire the knock sensors.. i cant seem to find the 10 base 2 thinnet cable... dose anybody know whare i can get it? web site?
  13. lppro

    Power Antenna conversion possible?

    i just removed mine and plugged the hole.. i put a cheep antenna inside the trunk.. it works fine and looks alot cleaner
  14. lppro


    make it fit(;
  15. lppro

    Side dump exhaust?

    yesssss!!!! lol flames of death! (:
  16. lppro

    Godspeed aluminum radiators?

    ya it dose sit alot higher and nope no issues
  17. lppro

    Godspeed aluminum radiators?

    wow! i had no clue! lol but it makes since... lol