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  1. lppro

    look what i wired up today

    is it just me or did i hear a knock in that vid?
  2. lppro

    Toyota cressida bunout and hit guy!!!!!

    why the hell would someone do that?... lol it was funny though..
  3. lppro

    what should my 1j be boosting at?

    wow flowmaster on a 1j!? how dose that sound?
  4. lppro

    damn that sucks.. oh well.. ya its going good i got it up and running and about 100 miles on it...

    damn that sucks.. oh well.. ya its going good i got it up and running and about 100 miles on it. im driving it up to the shop later this week for a 4" alm. exhaust and a good tune. hows your car?
  5. lppro

    hey man how ya doin? say your ticket thread.. ouch... lol so you got your bike fixed?

    hey man how ya doin? say your ticket thread.. ouch... lol so you got your bike fixed?
  6. lppro

    Got my first ticket today.

    i remember when i was in your shoes... when i got my forth ticket i was on th highway in a toyota prius with the cruse set at 65. in a 65. and i got a ticket for 91 in a 65... 5 tickets later (the last 4 i was actually was speeding) i bought a radar detector and i dont really speed anymore...
  7. lppro

    VIP 89 Cress

    told you it was a fuse (; lol jk
  8. lppro

    My new project/ 89 supra

    wow old thread. lol if your lookin for parts contact my friend chris, i bought like $1500 worth of parts from him. he is a really good guy.
  9. lppro

    VIP 89 Cress

    but nothing else works, no gauges, alt, etc.
  10. lppro

    VIP 89 Cress

    the way he described it i think its a fuse... but i guess we will see.. i might go down and help him out with it. IF. i have the time. lol
  11. lppro

    New wheels: Work FS. '87 Turbo

    very nice! i never thought ide like a gold car but you pulled it off. good job! i love how clean it looks. what front bumper is that?
  12. lppro

    VIP 89 Cress

    you figure it out yet?
  13. lppro

    2JZ-GE-T Build - 89 Turbo Supra

    lookin good man! get that thing together!
  14. lppro

    supra takes a dive

    ouch. this is why i only let very few people drive my cars...
  15. lppro

    VIP 89 Cress

    lol he goes through cars like cops go through jelly donuts.
  16. lppro

    VIP 89 Cress

    sweeet man! time to finally join the 2jz na-t club! lol
  17. lppro

    WIN Win Win

    cool man. congrats!
  18. lppro

    LPPRO's 6 month 2jzge-t build now fuel cut equipped! lol

    ya i kinda had a brain fart there... im sorry... wow i look line an idiot right now... lol