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  1. tekdeus

    PacNW 2010 Event Updates and Announcements

    UPDATE! April 30 We have just booked the following amenities for your enjoyment at the Show'n'Shine: a 20FT x 30FT tent, tables and seating for 50. People who are registered also receive a quality catered meal on-site. No need to be sunburned and hungry, sitting on the ground at our event! In...
  2. tekdeus

    PacNW 2010 Event Updates and Announcements

    UPDATE! April 30 We have just booked the following amenities for your enjoyment at the Show'n'Shine: a 20FT x 30FT tent, tables and seating for 50. People who are registered also receive a quality catered meal on-site. No need to be sunburned and hungry, sitting on the ground at our event! In...
  3. tekdeus

    PAC NW 2010 Supra meet details

    UPDATE! April 30 We have just booked the following amenities for your enjoyment at the Show'n'Shine: a 20FT x 30FT tent, tables and seating for 50. People who are registered also receive a quality catered meal on-site. No need to be sunburned and hungry, sitting on the ground at our event! In...
  4. tekdeus

    PacNW Supra nationals 2010 website is up! Register now!

    ^^^ It's the long old wiring system that's always the issue, not so much the relay itself. Run a dedicated new (fused) power wire to the new relay in the engine bay, and another new wire directly to the ignition key to trigger that relay.
  5. tekdeus

    PacNW Supra nationals 2010 website is up! Register now!

    The Supra community is always willing to lend a hand! 9 times out of 10, the starting problem in a Mk3 can be fixed with the starter relay bypass mod. It solved mine.
  6. tekdeus

    Oil pressure issues when motor is warm only.

    Mine does this as well. I think it is the gauge or sender unit. Every once in a while the pressure will seem normal out of the blue, but most of the time it works when cold, but falls flat when hot.
  7. tekdeus

    PacNW 2010 Event Updates and Announcements

    Hey guys, be sure to keep checking the website frequently, to keep up to date. Here are the latest updates recently posted under the "announcements" section of the website: April 21 Important Notice: The deadline for registration to receive your...
  8. tekdeus

    PacNW Supra nationals 2010 website is up! Register now!

    Hey guys, be sure to keep checking the website frequently, to keep up to date. Here are the latest updates recently posted under the "announcements" section of the website: April 21 Important Notice: The deadline for registration to receive your complimentary...
  9. tekdeus

    PacNW 2010 Event Updates and Announcements

    Hey guys, be sure to keep checking the website frequently, to keep up to date. Here are the latest updates recently posted under the "announcements" section of the website: April 21 Important Notice: The deadline for registration to receive your...
  10. tekdeus

    PAC NW 2010 Supra meet details

    Hey guys, be sure to keep checking the website frequently, to keep up to date. Here are the latest updates recently posted under the "announcements" section of the website: April 21 Important Notice: The deadline for registration to receive your...
  11. tekdeus

    Custom ALUMINUM Toyota 2000GT!

    I think when I win the lottery I'll get this guy to rebuild my overweight tank in aluminum :D
  12. tekdeus

    What my Supra ownership has cost me over the past 3 years

    I had to add all mine up to get maximum value on my insurance appraisal. The number left me scarred for life!
  13. tekdeus

    Instant Supra video creation tool: Animoto

    ^^ Still cool though! Feel free to make some more you guys, and post em up here. It takes only like 5-10 minutes to make one of these with your car in it.
  14. tekdeus

    Power vs G-force graph?

    I've been wondering, how does horsepower and torque relate to actual g-force felt from the seat of a car? Is there a graph out there that shows the comparison? I.e. what has more "pushed back into the seat feeling"? 500tq at 4000rpm, or 600hp at 7000 rpm for example?
  15. tekdeus

    Polyurethane subframe bushings for the MA70 Supra

    How are you guys finding the diff noise with these? The diff noise is driving me nuts, even with a tight rebuilt diff. Not sure if I need to put in a brand new ring and pinion to get rid of the noise, or switch back to softer bushings. It's a steady tone as the diff vibrations are amplified by...
  16. tekdeus

    Methanol/water injection pre-turbo

    Seems that a few people are doing this without any harm to the compressor. One of my local shops is having success with it. I found this handy pre-turbo nozzle holder pictured below here I'm contemplating tapping a 2nd line into my existing...
  17. tekdeus

    Instant Supra video creation tool: Animoto

    I stumbled upon this cool website that creates slick videos automatically. I just dumped 10 random pics of my car into it and chose one of their music tracks and this is what it spit out:
  18. tekdeus

    daily drivable 350whp max instant boost

    My 57 trim needed 15psi to make 350hp on pump gas. A smaller turbo may have trouble reaching that hp without higher boost, I might guess.
  19. tekdeus

    How long do Copper NGK's last?

    I've got about 10k on mine and just now I've started to noticed breakup at 22psi above 5800rpm.
  20. tekdeus

    C.44's Build

    Nice to finally get a sample view of the final result! Looks pretty cool. It reminds me a lot of mine when it was at this stage.