i agree. but if you are making xxx rwhp on xx psi, then more psi = more hp!
i am a fiend for power, but as most know im always on the cautious side of things. id rather run a little less boost and a little richer to sacrifice a little power for something that is going to last.
i think what you will find jake is it wont run 20psi at the manifold on that spring. you will probably see about 18.
that being said, 20psi is doable, depending on tune. if you have it tuned on the rich side you can get away with it, but still a little higher than id be comfortable with...
no matter what we did it didnt work for crap.
switched to another boost controller and works perfect.
the maftpro is awesome, but the boost control, well, isnt.
yep i got your txt. by the time i got home and got signal i thought it was too late to call you back.
my ankle is still really swollen. im keeping ice on it and hoping it will good by morning. i had the car ready, waxed and everything, plus the weather forecast really improved...
real sorry to hear aaron :(
on a side note, i really hope the weather forecast improves. i decided to hold off on the meeting point since im not sure now who all is going. i think the final decision will be made tomorrow.
i have tried rich's setup and it didnt work either. anytime you raise dc into the double digit numbers it surges really bad.
i had thought maybe since this was an ext gate was the reason it wasnt working the same as rich's.
id pull the plug wires one at a time and see if the noise goes away. if it does, you know its motor related. if it doesnt, it could be something like the water pump, flywheel, etc.
hey all-
been working on friend's car trying to get the boost sorted.
he is running a 40mm ext gate w/ a 14psi spring and a t'netics 62-1 turbo.
here are the settings-
tps spool 2.2
rpm spool 3000
tps start 2.7 (80% of full tps voltage)
psi start 14
dc start 8
psi set 18
gain 5
did verify...
i dont mind meeting up so long as we can figure out a for sure time window and where to meet. i know nothing about the area.
im trying like hell to get the code 61 sorted so i can bring the 90.
i'll see what the other guys think about meeting up. im not a lone ranger in this...
i was under the impression 99% of the tps ranges are 0-5v. its possible you have a defective one. if you got it from a yard its possible it has moisture damage.
yeah without that flange the wg doesnt seal correctly.
i think atp makes an adapter to mate a tial to hks. im not 100% and my internet is so freakin slow atm im not even gonna try to browse it lol.
they are not the same size. real close, but not the same.
the sending unit is 1/8 npt (1/8x27) and stock is 1/8 bspt (1/8x28). i suppose its possible the sending unit is 1/8 bspt, but ive never seen one.
i still say heat is part of the problem. they arent designed to be that close to...
i hope people are atleast half as excited as i am!
so far the weather is looking decent!
about the dyno, its hard as hell to get anyone to prepay for something. anything can come up and not be able to make it, or the car isnt ready, etc. i think people should express interest...
yeah i agree the stock injectors are great, i was speaking more of the 550 and 720. both idled terrible compared to stock or the delphi pte. you could say it was the mods, but the 550cc were swapped out for the pte injectors and idled great. they were both new, but not sure if they were flow...
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