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  1. V

    na-t acis system

    so i guess i'm fine then, nothing to really worry about
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    na-t acis system

    so i was wondering if theres any negative effects on still having my acis system set up. i'm na-t now and the car runs great even with the vaccum system setup the same way it was when i was NA. The only thing i had changed to the vaccum system was i threw a vsv off that fuel acuator on the...
  3. V

    5psi is all. please help!

    heh sorry to be stealing ur thread lol but yea i'm using tclamps and some beefy couplers (not the cheap ones)
  4. V

    5psi is all. please help!

    i'm gettin a similar problem too but my ic pipes are all tight, (they are custom hardpipes)
  5. V

    boost problem, not boost leak

    yea i will get one eventually, when the funds are avail.
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    boost problem, not boost leak

    btw both turbo xs and the new hks rep are both recirc the same way the stock was
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    boost problem, not boost leak

    cold as in the guage just got to operating temp, sorry i meant to clarify that
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    boost problem, not boost leak

    ok i have two problems, heres the first one, when my car is cold i can easily do 8psi and as its warmed up (about 20 min of driving i can only do 5psi) i checked for leaks, went thru 3 bov's and i'm running out of ideas. Could it be a tired wastegate? i was gonna try shimming it to do 10psi what...
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    What spark plugs do you use?

    i just bought sum autolite platinums, they work great
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    my very own supracar!!!!

    i have no idea what you just typed... i got lost about 2 sentences down
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    Just got a Supra

  12. V

    Stumbling under boost, and no gauge lights.

    i had this same exact prob when i went na-t, it turned out to be a bad coilpack.. try this while the car is running slowly take each spark plug wire off and compare the sparks they are making. On my bad coil the spark was very weak but the car drove fine as long as i didn't get on it. After...
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    warmer weather = warmer oil

    thanks adjuster... i was trying to figure out what they meant by stacked, ended up ordering a tstat anyway
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    warmer weather = warmer oil

    ok i figured out what i want to do, that oil cooler i showed above with the permacool t-stat any objections?
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    warmer weather = warmer oil

    fixed the link and the pic, the oil cooler is about the size of the stocker
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    warmer weather = warmer oil

    Hey guys, since i went na-t i've been running without a oil cooler, but keep in mind the weather hasn't been hotter than 60f lately, but warmer weather is just around the corners. Here's my plans: i bought a rx-7 cooler but i found it to be too long for where i planned to put it and i don't...
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    swap ecu from 88 to 90, waht more do I need?

    from what i understand what ur trying to do is very compicated since the car harness will not match up with the new 90 engine harness
  18. V

    need help with vaccuum system

    oh yea this is what me and my friend were discussing.. the weird thing is i have a plug on my harness that will only connect to the 25804 (brown plug), as of right now my 25860 has no plug plugged into it (it has a blue connector which the gte harness does not have)
  19. V

    need help with vaccuum system

    ^ so how do i fix that? does the diafram or w/e u call it (above 17344D) need to on a vtv? i was thinking since that controls fuel sumwhat maybe thats causing ill effects
  20. V

    need help with vaccuum system

    btw i really want to stick with the na manifold