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  1. supradjza80

    Oil Analysis - Post your VOA and UOA Here

    Thanks Dub, i just emailed them to see if I can get the report fixed and have them change the unit information in their system. Also is the Amsoil filter the only one you would be comfortable running more than 4k miles or are there others?
  2. supradjza80

    Low RPM boost A/F

    yeah, thanks for the input, thats where im nervous since it is at 5-10 psi when this is happening.
  3. supradjza80

    Low RPM boost A/F

    I would be happy with that, I just am a little uneasy with seeing 13 while in boost @ 2-3k rpm, but maybe that is just what the stock calibration is on these cars
  4. supradjza80

    Extreme Frustration [aka owning a 7M]

    New accordion pipe is only 50$ shipped through elmhurst toyota...
  5. supradjza80

    Low RPM boost A/F

    Guys, i understand that fuel cut saves my ass once the airflow meter measures past what it can "safely" support. My question is in the low RPM range under boost, is it really safe to be running all the way up to 12.5-13 A/F up to 3-3.5k rpm where it really richens the fueling up? Is this...
  6. supradjza80

    Low RPM boost A/F

    Any other opinions on this?
  7. supradjza80

    Oil Analysis - Post your VOA and UOA Here

    Dumbo - The only reason I beleive they are concerned with your values is due to the amounts found in the oil after just 1000 km or 620 miles (maybe this was entered wrong on the oil analysis sheet?). As you said my values are similar but on a motor with 95000 miles on it and 4300 miles on the oil.
  8. supradjza80

    Oil Analysis - Post your VOA and UOA Here

    K&N Filter - I get them free with the oil when AutoZone has the oil change specials - Are there any filters that you think can make the full 8k miles without a change? Or would you recomend just changing it anyway to be safe, I wouldn't want to go into filter bypass. Apex Air Filter I will be...
  9. supradjza80

    Low RPM boost A/F

    Guys, First I will list the modifications done to the car BIC DDP to 3.5" Straight pipe Apex Intake Apex AVC-R tuned to 10-11 psi Cooleeze 2.5" hardpipes Innovate LC-1 with DB gauge stock turbo, stock intercooler, stock fueling/AFM So with the wideband installed and calibrated and...
  10. supradjza80

    Oil Analysis - Post your VOA and UOA Here

    Here is my most recent analysis, makes me think the first place that ran it (last oil change) did not know what they were doing. I also chuckled a little bit when I saw they put down V6 instead of I6, I know I didnt put that down wrong :)
  11. supradjza80

    WI Supra owners.

    I would like to know the same. Also do you know how much bigger they are then the stock 91/92 bars? I think they are actually pretty close in stiffness so I might just spring for whitelines.
  12. supradjza80

    Avc-R problem or wastegate problem?

    I will take a look at the manual tonight when i get home, i am not sure of the external gate routing off the top of my head.
  13. supradjza80

    Avc-R problem or wastegate problem?

    Have you verified the line routings to the solenoid vavle. If I recall correctly you need to be using the NC (normally closed)and com port on an external wastegate, while people on the CT26 need to use the NO (normally open) and com port. Hopefully that is the only issue. I would check...
  14. supradjza80

    Trans and Diff fluids, Royal Purple?

    I believe Jdub has said all royal purple has Diff additive (form the data sheets) in it making it a poor choice for the R154 (too slippery for the synchros to properly function). I'm sure he will chime in on this though.
  15. supradjza80

    Trans and Diff fluids, Royal Purple?

    MT 90 definitely made my R154 shift better. Most noticeably it doesn't take 4 trys to get into reverse. Normally just 1 or 2 and it doesn't grind which is nice. Also For the diff you can use any 75W-90 Gear oil that has LSD additive in it (do not put this in the transmission!). If you want...
  16. supradjza80

    Quick Code 51 question

    Guys, Today I was going through my car checking some sensors (TPS) with my multimeter and for shits and giggles I checked my codes. I decided to see if I could get code 51 pressing the gas (verifying my check on the TPS) and it worked perfectly. Since i was in a code 51 mood I decided to...
  17. supradjza80

    :Urgent: The mystery starting problem that I thought I fixed.

    Code 11 is I believe intermittent power to the ECU, so it is not the cause of this problem, at least not while the starter is not engaging. But if ever the car is cranking and not starting, this is something I would look into.
  18. supradjza80

    WI Supra owners.

    ill be going there again soon and if you want it I can bring it down to Madison. lmk.
  19. supradjza80

    BBK bias discussion

    Well if diameter of the master cylinder piston is the same, base bias would also be the same.
  20. supradjza80

    BBK bias discussion

    What I am wondering about the ABS and non-ABS masters is what is different between them? I would assume that the piston size is the same for the master since the calipers and rotors are the same on the car with or without ABS. This would in effect make bias the same unless there is something...