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  1. gaboonviper85

    Philly Area Supra Meet Part 2 10/04/09

    ^ oh hellz yeah!
  2. gaboonviper85

    Head rebuilding 101 questions

    Okay I'll hold your hand as it's obvious you never googled "valve job" can't "fix" a can't "replace" a can't do a god damn thing too a valve without proper machinery and knowledge! Doing anything too a valve is going too cost you $$$ as if you do 1 then you do...
  3. gaboonviper85

    Head rebuilding 101 questions

    Lmao!! If you broke a valve then you know it...your shit would be fucked up! Your valves aren't going anywhere! You also have blew up your intake if you broke a intake valve....leave your head work too a profeshional as this is obviously way way......WAY over your head (no pun intended!)
  4. gaboonviper85

    Maft pro or abacoperformance

    Maft pro hands down as it does way way more than the other!
  5. gaboonviper85

    Simultaniously lower the value of the MKIII and the MKIV

    Would look 100% better smoked....I like them!
  6. gaboonviper85

    Philly Area Supra Meet Part 2 10/04/09

    Ok so it's suppose to be a nice day on Sunday...are we BBQing? If so who is bringing what? I can bring burgers and hotdogs and buns...
  7. gaboonviper85

    Post/Pre 89 Engine Q

    Too turn a head into torque plate will not only ruin it but also cost more money too machine it than too buy a plate from sip! IJ is the one who used a head as a torqueplate but IJ also has his own milling machine! Piston and rod combo is your choice as they are all decent...can't go wrong...
  8. gaboonviper85

    Why 0-30 Oil? ignorant it's actually painful!
  9. gaboonviper85

    IPHONE Picture Texting!

    I've had the original iPhone and now sport a 3gs 16gig...I hated the iPhone then and hate it now as it's still too much pain in the ass too have too use a computer too update n such! For some reason my computer doesn't like doing updates too the phone so mid way it will error out...after the...
  10. gaboonviper85

    Status update, 11/24/09 Ridiculous incident, need advice: let it go or take a stand?

    Report it! A cop off duty may follow you but he won't tailgate and either he will have lights in his vehicle or he will call in backup and just follow till they catch up and pull you over with a marked car with standard blue/red lights... This guy obviously isn't right in the head and needs...
  11. gaboonviper85

    greddy profec spec 2 nightmare

    You should be seeing black smoke and smell fuel while boosting if you have a boost leak...make a boost leak tester.
  12. gaboonviper85

    in need of help code 31

    It's called a "dashpot"...but if the car doesn't stall then it should recover pretty quick as if nothing happened.
  13. gaboonviper85

    mk3 body with 1j bell housing

    The 7m bell housing for r154 will not mate too a'll need a 1j r154 bell housing too swap with the 7m in order too bolt to a 2j...aswell as a 1j flywheel I believe.
  14. gaboonviper85

    Where did my oil go???!!!!

    Indeed that looks low! You should see a max of 40psi at 3000rpm or greater! The stock system generally won't let you get more that 40 as there are too many pressure bleeds in the system that all fully open at 40psi... Now considering that this is a rebuilt motor and I'm sure you don't want...
  15. gaboonviper85

    How do you remove a sheered diff mounting bolt?

    You are probably gonna have too cut a hole in the subframe then torch the castle nut off the bolt....then patch the subframe:-(
  16. gaboonviper85

    Post/Pre 89 Engine Q

    This is bullshit! No you do not "need" one...yes they are nice too have! Toyota didn't use one so it's obvious they aren't that when you build a race engine then yes it's a damn good idea! The rear timing cover is too be bolted too the block when the "block" is decked not...
  17. gaboonviper85

    Stop light problem......

    Dude it's all good! For a minuet you had me thinking my housings were tampered with even though I have two sets all the same lol!
  18. gaboonviper85

    Post/Pre 89 Engine Q

    Also as far as machining "needs"...that's a matter of personal opinion keep in mind! What machining comes down too much money you are willing too spend... I'll put my experiences in perspective for you... Engine block hot tanked, bored/honed .020" over, decked, hot tanked...
  19. gaboonviper85

    Post/Pre 89 Engine Q

    Machining is a crap shoot...there is no "one way is best"! Your machining needs will vary depending on cylinder wear, valve train wear, internal damage (rod knock), horsepower goals, internals chosen for rebuild, etc for us too assist you in coming up with a list of machine work, we'll need...
  20. gaboonviper85

    Where did my oil go???!!!!

    I know the tsrm spec thank you! I also know that 90% of the supras out there have more idle oil pressure than 4psi. The op obviously noticed a sudden change in oil pressure there for something has indeed it his stock oil guage failing, oil bypass valves in the pump and filter...