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  1. JesseH

    You guys wanna help steven? Buying his first supra

    for the 5spd swap you will need the master clynder, slave clynder, tranny, 5spd driveshaft, hard lines, soft lines, clutch, flywheel flex plates, and the mounting bracket... and correct me if Im wrong but you really wouldn't have to cut up the firewall, the master clynder holes are already...
  2. JesseH

    Dead cylinder questions....

    this is one of the easiest ways, this will help you idendify the problem, or eliminate the posibility.
  3. JesseH

    Dead cylinder questions....

    after your cylinder goes dead pull the spark plug out and see if theres any fuel on it, if so then there is no spark.
  4. JesseH

    Oil: Royal Purple

    Oh by no means am I saying hes wrong, I trust him 100%, I was just saying thats what I've always used personally.
  5. JesseH

    Oil: Royal Purple

    Im using 10W-40 in my NA that has around 75,000 on it, it reads right in oil pressure area that it should be.
  6. JesseH

    Oil: Royal Purple

    yea, full syn. 6.99 a quart lol and I change my filter every oil change. the previous stuff I was using was full syn. too but this stuff is suposeably better
  7. JesseH

    Oil: Royal Purple

    Ok, so Im switching from Castrol syntec to Royal purple, and just wanted to know what the typical oil life for it is since ive never used it before. thanks
  8. JesseH

    how do i change my front quarterpanel blinker lights?

    to change the sidemarker bulb you take off the turn signal, then take off that small section of trim and it will be cliped to that.
  9. JesseH

    Alt. belt?

    Check the TSRM, theres a way that you can check the tension without the tool.
  10. JesseH

    I pissedmy pants laughing so hard. xb tried to race me.

    hey he could have had a Nos energy drink in his lunch box......ok, that was a bad joke lol
  11. JesseH

    red springs?

    one, either someone painted them, or two they could possibly be B&G:, I think that some H&R's might have made some red ones, but I'm not 100% sure.
  12. JesseH

    Anyone seen this one around?

    I like some mild body work, as you can tell by my car but that thing is just hideous, if you added up all stuff hes put on that he could have had a turbo swap and more.
  13. JesseH

    So i realized.....

    theres always little things that you can get a four point rear strut bar, four point front strut brace, possibly a stiffer strut/ spring comination...hmm I feel like I'm forgeting something..
  14. JesseH

    Oil Pressure

    putting too much oil in is just as bad as not having enough, dont go over what the book tells you. Oil brands, and weights are all on what you perfer and your setup I use 10W-40 castrol syntec in mine. I wouldnt mind using royal purple, but its hard to find in my area.
  15. JesseH

    Gauging interest in Community effort drag car!!

    Suprarich what part of ohio are you in?
  16. JesseH


    I think it depends on the color combination you use. I personally dont think that the black and white above looks good. although there is a supra in my area that used a medium gray on bottom and a nice shade of blue that looks good together with a nice clean look. thats my .02
  17. JesseH

    Should I???

    I'd say go for it. You might be lucky and it will last for awhile and you would have a second project car for later on..