my turbo is currently mia.... but today, under a full moon and after sacrificing a virgin and some goats i will reunite the 2 peices, whisper a quick prayer and hopefully the car will once again turn a wheel in anger.......
/\ exactly! ddp's are made for many turbo charged cars (euro focus anyone?, neons) its a general design not something specific. i know zoon and hes a really upstanding guy and from what i have seen of these products they are awesome and are made of SS as opposed to mild steel. he is also...
bingo. oriellys had them in stock so i got them there. toyota of richardson wanted the same price after i mentioned SOGI but it was going to take a week :lol:
you sir are drunk. minus what was said about the throttle linkage and the ic piping you have to deal with the space or lack there of, wiring nightmares (2x tps?) possible issues from having one side of the intake pressureize quicker than the other and losing response, increase chance of boost...
nope, no tuning. just reset the ecu, did the lex and 550s and didnt run very well. swapped out the sensor and problem disappeared. put the old lex sensor on another car and it was fine. head scratcher....
i think a stand alone boost controller would better than asking more and more of one system. go with the hks mhg over the tms as the tms is just a copy and some people have issues with the rivit placement on the TMS hg.
as for the test pipe get one custom made. its probibly going to be...
keep the car, save your money and do either a gte swap or 1jz swap on it. its too clean to mess with! i used to have a 90NA and i miss it like crazy even with my 91 turbo
yup that she sold me the car with a retorqued hg and didnt tell me about it before. car ran find for about 4-6 months when it reblew after i started to increase the boost so i wasnt too pissed because it gave me an excuse to do a mhg and arps.
like dr. j said there isnt really a difference in the the sensors. however my car didnt run as well with the lex sensor as with the stock one so i swapped them out. they both tested within spec per the tsrm so (shrug) either way your set.
well thats kinda right over all. boost cut (it actually cuts spark btw not fuel) there are a few things that trigger fc but the biggest is the afm. to work around this you can get a lex afm/550s combo and that will be good enough for most people. i ran it for the longest time with an sp61gt...
i know it sounds really dumb but check that the afm is plugged in. ive left it unplugged on even simple stuff more times than i can remember. after that check that the tps is in spec and that you have the cps set correctly. good luck!
/\ hes right. i tested it out with a local guy for a possible swap one time and it wont work. the dividers are slightly different but enough to make a difference! i also decided that i didnt like the idea of having a loud ass exhaust everytime i got on it with the open wastegate so i went...
you guys are terrible! fastsupralife, no do not move/remove your afm (its not a maf sensor) no matter what bov you have. second there is a reason that people go after market, and no its not just the "cool" noise. its because that, properly adjusted, an aftermarket bov can perform just as well...
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