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  1. E

    check out this gauge cluster

    if whomever wins the auction decides to replicate it, i think its their business. if you dont want it copied, i would suggest not selling it.
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    Nm shifter update

    well no pics becuase theres nothing to show really. ryan is waiting for toyota to deliver the bushings, etc, and he is waiting on the bolts, so theres nothing new just yet. hopefully by the end of the week ill have a shifter in my 83 celica so i can post impressions.
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    Calgary Supras?

    I have been thinking about moving to Calgary (currently in Victoria BC) once I'm finished school (July) due to better money and more jobs in my field (Mechanical Engineering Technologist). My sister has been living there for a few years, but I don't know many others. Is there a large number...
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    Nm shifter update

    im going to try to drop by ryans tomorrow, ill try to snap a picture or two if he lets me.
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    Aftermarket steering wheel, what hub adapter

    that NRG gen 2.5 looks very nice.
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    Bigaaron's "5M crank in a 7M" build thread!

    square means the bore and the stroke are the same. maybe someone else can go into more detail? there is also oversquare and undersquare, i dont know what the 7m is though.
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    Aftermarket steering wheel, what hub adapter

    Grant is a parts-store brand. as for the hub and wheel, its up to you. i personally dont want to risk something breaking when im driving at high speed... but thats just me. you may enjoy a challenge/sense of danger :) there is also a difference in "feel" between the cheap and more expensive...
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    Pictures of start on hood mods for GT42

    see, what you need is a custom filter wrapped over a custom vacuum formed plastic frame... like this: ;)
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    Aftermarket steering wheel, what hub adapter

    have you tried finding a Grant hub? or how about a sparco, they only sell for ~$300 imho, pay for a momo. they are nice parts, worth the money. with noname brands, you can never be sure of the quality.
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    Ball Joints? or STEERING RACK?!??!! of DOOM!!!

    column steering linkage i think he means, the part that connects the wheel to the rack.
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    Ball Joints? or STEERING RACK?!??!! of DOOM!!!

    ive never really looked into it, but can you disassemble your stock arm? if you can, maybe you can replace the balljoint with an off-the-shelf version. you would need to measure all of the important dimensions and compare them to an aftermarket item. might take some searching, but may be...
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    Cross Border Shipping

    Cross Border Shipping I’m posting this because a lot of people send parts across the US-Canada border, and it can be an expensive, time consuming, and painful experience if you don’t know what your doing. This applies to buyers AND sellers. There are a few ways you can reduce...
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    One piece D-shaft

    schedule is the pipe size, ie 1" schedule 40 pipe.
  14. E

    ***The Burgandy Supras Thread***

    i just wanted to thank all of you guys, this thread is givin me inspiration to finally get my supa back on the road after several years of bein down. ill post pics when its not on jackstands under a car cover :)
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    Burgandy Soup's

    burgandy only really goes with greys/silvers imho. my 88T is burgandy, and i went with gunmetal powdercoated wheels. engine bay is gunmetal, silver, and polished aluminum.
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    Want to get into using fiberglass?

    good post, but just so you know, if its not structural, just cover the wood in fleece, soak it in fiberglass resin, let it harden, then bondo and sand away... sooo much easier than laying mat or cloth...
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    wowed about the 5m

    hole clean through the block... and yes, that is nashman sitting behind, smoking and drinking a beer at 5 past noon
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    Nm short shift april 28th

    i tried this shifter in his mk2, holy crap. you shift about 1 inch, and is glides into place, great shifter, feels really nice. and that NM height is very short, about the same as the SOGI modded shifter, maybe a bit lower.
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    7m-gte from Jasper engines.

    i think its PIONEER on here that rebuilds 7Ms, he has a very good history, and I think his pricing was better than that. PM him for some info.