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  1. airhead04

    Idles at 3k rpm NEUTRAL cant stay under 45mph!

    Have you checked the throttle linkage? Possibly something os stuck or snagging it just right?
  2. airhead04

    Son of a B*tch

    I put my new HKS SQV BOV on today, and what do I get??? A nice flutter. At low boost and at high boost. So I know its going to destroy the turbo if it continues. So how can I fix it?? I have the vaccum line as short as possible and its a strong vaccum source. I cant move the bov because...
  3. airhead04

    1jz cutting out at wot

    Have you ever hit fuel cut? Definately isnt a putter as he said. More like hitting a wall.
  4. airhead04

    stupid cheap ebay gaskets

    Im using the eristic full gasket set from egay. So far its ok, but I didnt use the hg from it.
  5. airhead04

    stroker????? AND HERE IS THE KIT:
  6. airhead04

    Is it true..?

    So do I, but my father seems pretty damn sure, and is determined to get one. He said that, that is the next swap for him. Ill probably go over to titan tomorrow and see if shawn can shed some light on this.
  7. airhead04

    Is it true..?

    Ive heard that titan is making or already makes engines producing 1000 hp for 6500 dollars?? Like they are ready to ship out. Any light on this??? Edit: This means that they get your old engine (core) and they ship you the 1000hp engine.
  8. airhead04

    axle code for lsd

    Youll get flamed on harsh for not using punctuation. So I suggest you use it. As for the hanes manual, THROW IT AWAY. Its garbage. Use the tsrm.
  9. airhead04

    Understanding on fuel cut

    Dont let Ian see you saying I HEARD in the tech section. He will rip you a new ass. Im suprized jdub hasnt yet. lol
  10. airhead04


    Lol. I havent had a chance to check the wiring, due to me having eye surgery recently, so bright lights and me dont mix. Anyways, siring isnt my favorite thing in the world. I was really hoping to have hods or projectors but i havent found a kit thats plug and play for the most part. Once my...
  11. airhead04

    1991 240sx $500

    Poo according to the ad its a shell so under the hood will be.....empty lol. It comes with 3 engines though. Id say good buy, just on the fact that you could sell both the engines and get your money and some back.
  12. airhead04

    Why God?

    repost bud. Dumbest invention ever though.
  13. airhead04

    KGB banned superbowl commercial: Global warming.

    LMFAO. That was great!!!
  14. airhead04

    SSQV supra Specific recirculated kit?

    Im not sure what your asking?? You want a bov thats specifically made for the supra?? Or the adapter to recirculate the air? A bov will either be recirculated or not. A recirculated one forms a looped system, and non recirculated "blows off" to the atmosphere. Hope that helps.
  15. airhead04


    Do you know of a place where I can get them? The Toyota over here doesnt have them.
  16. airhead04


    No projectors. Its stock lighting.
  17. airhead04

    Sony Deck install need help

    There are 4 screws holding it on. Im 99% sure its 4. But anyways once you get the screws off, you just have to pull on it, as gently as possible. But it does take a little umff to get it off. Shouldnt break though. Just becareful with the Cig outlet.
  18. airhead04


    You mean socket, like where the light actually goes inside the housing correct and connects?
  19. airhead04


    I have been driving my car more at night recently. And many people have been flashing their lights at me. Before everyone jumps on the band wagon, YES I CHECKED TO MAKE SURE THE HIGH BEAMS WERE NOT ON. Anyways, my left (driver side) light is extremely bright, while my other is dim. And even with...