Advice? Wire together purple with purple, white with white, orange with orange, etc. Pretty simple concept and straight forward.
Don't use wire ties. And be sure to use electrical tape if you're just "finger twisting" them together. Exposed wires is a big no-no and can result in "OMGWTF just happened to all the power?"
Help? Well... we might need a little bit more detail to know what to help you with...
Hey thanks, well I really want to know how to take the console around the shifter and up on the dash off, I know were both the screws are but its just not wanting to come off and I don't want to damage it, thanks for the advice so far has been helpful!
There are 4 screws holding it on. Im 99% sure its 4. But anyways once you get the screws off, you just have to pull on it, as gently as possible. But it does take a little umff to get it off. Shouldnt break though. Just becareful with the Cig outlet.
Theres a screw under the ign switch area, one by the drivers seat going towards the center, and two under the ash tray. After that, pull the rearmost part up(right behind the shifter) and pop those clips up, then you can pull the rest strait back
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