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  1. F

    Who thinks the LHC will end the world or have any chance of doing anything harmful?

    Give it time! Someone will. Kill someone by increasing their mass 10X. Skin exploded an all guts pop out.....
  2. F

    Greddy declared bankruptcy today

    Really? ATI Dampner. I still have teh $900 bill to get that going. Now it is at what? less than $400? Once R&D money is recouped (at least that is a hopefully). Prices always come down. That is one of the things about mass production. Prices WILL always comes down. Now If we as the...
  3. F

    Who thinks the LHC will end the world or have any chance of doing anything harmful?

    I just re-editted my post ;) and man I don't want to see the light bill on that experiment (they haven't even done a full test yet!).
  4. F

    Who thinks the LHC will end the world or have any chance of doing anything harmful?

    Well. Now or when they figure out how much juice (power) either requires? :) I think if I remember, the LHC is running its own power station and it will take lots and lots of juice to recreate that in a much larger scale. But just for the sake of this post.... lets say that all power...
  5. F

    Greddy declared bankruptcy today

    yes but not by much (50% mark up is within that unless material prices have cut into that but forgive me I have not checked). Greddy was doing nearly a 200% markup! The only place I seen that type of stupid markup is in the furniture industry and how they get away with it is beyond me. Car...
  6. F

    Greddy declared bankruptcy today

    I have to side with Don1 on this one. A company does not get $60 million dollars in the hole just because.
  7. F

    Greddy declared bankruptcy today

    Japan not US Their bankruptcy laws are not ours ;)
  8. F

    Greddy declared bankruptcy today

    Here I am going to be a bit more sharp edged... No of course it is the knock off! It has absolutely nothing to do with the exhorberent prices they were charging (and before one of you give me lip. I ran a genuine Greddy TD06-20g kit for my supra that I paid a hefty sum for).
  9. F

    quad tip exhaust possible?

    Keros well the do sell 20 gallon and 25 gallon fuel cells. But those are monsters and their size makes the OEM gas tank look like a flask in size.
  10. F

    BEE-R Ignition Misfring System (anyone tried it? lol)

    It depends on what it does. Ok read what it does.... It cuts ignition and lets the TCCS continue to inject fuel. The issue is what is the degrees in which the fuel ignites? Keep in mind that building boost is dependant on how agressive the timing is (talking in the magnitude of -40...
  11. F

    Pics of my rebuilt motor

    Alot has been learned over the years. And specifically how damn brilliant those toyota engineers really were back then (even now more so). Knock or knock control is part of the ECU but being an 8 bit CPU, minimizing knowck at all points would be an excersice in futility as most of that...
  12. F

    quad tip exhaust possible?

    There is room on the passenger side of the gas tank to perhaps fit a Mcdonald's straw as a muffler and that is it. Anything else requires the gas tank go buhbye.
  13. F

    fuel injectors group buy

    Anthony, start riding the people that signed up. On a personal note. It is absolutely fucking bullshit that Anthony has to go hounding people for money when that should have been accounted for by anyone signing up.
  14. F

    Battery ?

    you need a sealed box that is vented to pass tech. A venting tube for just an uncovered battery won't cut it.
  15. F

    Are there advantages to running a destroked 7M?

    Glad you "caught" that :) Actually that is the new version of the anti-lag system based on EGR. It works both ways for them ;) The NEW ALS system that particluar car uses (EVO) is actaully pretty intresting. The "valve" you see on the exhaust manifold serves as the basis to bypass air into...
  16. F

    Who thinks the LHC will end the world or have any chance of doing anything harmful?

    Well we have to make assumptions but here we go. If in fact the find a particle or collection of particles that impart mass on matter (Higgs-Boson is what they call it but if it is a collection of particles, that name goes out the window). If the particles for "mass" do exist then there is a...
  17. F

    My Two-Stepping and Drifting 7m

    Umm say what? A standalone AND a piggy back??? :momaru:
  18. F

    Help me decide 2JZ or 7M

    Iron block? Doubtful that it is not a boat anchor ;)
  19. F

    Pics of my rebuilt motor

    EGR Block off plate..... lol. I hope you read my post (#6) about that!
  20. F

    Did a Fuel Pressure Test=results

    False TSRM is your freind. where oh where would it be boost controlled? ;)