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  1. F

    NEW addition to the Apartment

    What (if any) is your budget? I ship everywhere to but somestuff I "can't". ;)
  2. F

    NEW addition to the Apartment

    Check your walmart. That is where I managed to score mine (had Metal Gear Solid 4 as part of the system). as for improvments. Man I can get you good deals on lots of things! :)
  3. F

    NEW addition to the Apartment

    All PS3 play Blu-ray. Only the OLDER 80 GB plays PS2 games. The NEW 80GB does not play any PS2 games.
  4. F

    Just finished building DreamMachine, now Q for the other computer people out there

    I am going to be nice about it this once. So take it as a token. I am well aware of what dividers in the BIOS for NB and SB do and which ones do it. I have been in the IT business for 16 years. Possible no. Most overclocking MoBo allows for chaning just about every single parameter on the...
  5. F

    NEW addition to the Apartment

    Toshiba. They did the math and decided to pull out. The thing is that they are making hand over fist money in the nuclear sector thanks to ther acquisition of Westinghouse UK. As for PS3. If you can source a "previous" 80 GB model PS3. Those are backwards compatible with the PS2 games...
  6. F

    Just finished building DreamMachine, now Q for the other computer people out there

    I would go with a 4870 X2 and enable the OpenGl portions that are missing as you mentioned ;)
  7. F

    NEW addition to the Apartment

    HD or blu-ray Are you enjoying the movie? If so. The format is irrelevant (of course the fanboyz will tell you that you are the scum of the planet for having supported Toshiba). Myself I have a PS3 because I am anxiously waiting for God of War III :) It just happens to also play blu-ray ;)
  8. F

    /METALLICA\ ___ Death Magnetic

    and listen to more of the excellent stacato playing of Mr. Hammet. No thanks, I already have two cats that sound better than his guitar playing when I pull on thier tails.
  9. F

    NEW addition to the Apartment

    Seriously? At $599 it is one of the better recievers that does the new stuff. I take it no Blu-ray player? :) 720p native stuff will look leaps and bounds better than any upconverted material :)
  10. F

    Help me decide 2JZ or 7M

    That is contradictory. Money is no object and we would not be talking about "not having money" or money is an object and we would be talking about not having money. Anyway. Shooting for 600+ crank ponies. lol. see my above "money" statement.
  11. F

    Very dump question. E 85 ?

    Cali does two tests. One is visual and the other is the sniffer. No EGR, Somehow I think they will see that and fail you (if they know about the 1j not being a US motor, a simple EGR will definetly get caught). So you will get dinged for No EGR.
  12. F

    Who thinks the LHC will end the world or have any chance of doing anything harmful?

    Who are we kidding? Stupid will never learn!
  13. F

    I'm screwed...

    attack of the crayons! I knew Crayola produced as many crayons as they did for a reason! Time to be attacked by the white crayons! oh nos!
  14. F

    Just finished building DreamMachine, now Q for the other computer people out there

    Well the DDR2 800 mhz will be a slow down. Is there no DDR3 based workstation/server motherboards? The Drives......would have been better off getting 5 300 GB drives and Raiding them. As for overclocking. Remember. Overclocking is not only the CPU but also affect the pipes to the Memory...
  15. F

    NEW addition to the Apartment

    With a 10 inch? Nah! Now if he would have said something like, "Dual Klispch KW-120-THX powered by a KA-1000-THX amplifier". Then I could see it as I live in a house an my neighbors KNOW when I am rocking the movies :) and for Reference. I own a Complete Klipsch Ultra Thx 2 home...
  16. F

    DOWARD: Bryan Maloof's Shop, Rods/Pistons setup

    Tuning, Tuning, Tuning, Tuning! With a good tune. The stock internals can be made to live for a while under most adverse conditions. One Detonation or one lean run and that is all she wrote! As for Seans pull, he did that with a STOCK bottom end.
  17. F

    oil squirter replacement

    you can but you better have wobble extensions and about 2 feet worth of extensions too. That is the easy part of taking them out. The install them in....... short of a 3 foot needle nose pliar.
  18. F

    to late to put rims on?

    Why would you mess them up? Planning on throwing sandpaper on them throughout winter?
  19. F

    crank pulley with junk motor problem

    No wonder lots of Junkyards don't let people take thier own parts out now....cutting timing belts?