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  1. F

    7m wire harness

    O2 = engine harness cps = engine harness all engine sensors = engine harness.
  2. F

    7m headgasket mileage with high horsepower

    well at 24 psi an 87 mon. The fuekl is detonating hence the headgaskets falling of like flies hitting a UV light.
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    well here is my opinon on that. What ever you invest in "increasing power" from a money perpective. Put in a piggy bank the same or 1.5x as much because you will need it when the parts start breaking. Notice I said when and not if. ;) If this is your daily driver. By pass modding it until...
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    none. It sounds like the turbo is working perfectly actually :)
  5. F

    hitting fuel cut....

    nope no access to photobucket so I can not see any of that. That is why we ask for DETAILS. Anyway it does not matter. The dash harness does not leave to much wiggle room for moving around parts and the motor is still a 7m with a CT26 on it.
  6. F

    Learn me some HID knowledge

    Hella 50mm modules.... as Mike stated. It is quite easy to run up a bill of $1200+ on a PROPER HID setup. On a glare monster........
  7. F

    Another MkIII falls due to Stupidity

    neither do I. What type of 350 though?
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    ..another question to.. Are you running the STOCK turbo? If so, do you have a boost controller (either manual or electric)? If you are not running a BC, it will not climb that much!
  9. F

    External Fuel Pump wiring

    Bosch rates thier 044 fuel pump at 200lph @ 5 bar. which is 3.3Lpm @ 5 bar. The issue is that the pumps (both of them) are always running. So the fuel get circulated to the surgepump lots of time if it is not being consumed (ie injected really). So if the fuel supplied is more than being...
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    Welcome to Supramania. A project supra at this point is about right :) The age of the cars are making it imperative to do lots of maintanance on them to get them running correctly. Especially if they have been run ragged. -Figgie
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    hi guys!!

    Jtwo welcome to SM. Enjoy your stay! :)
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    Code 31

    and I can vouch. It wasn't his doing! It was the previous owner that unloaded the car "cheap". Not cheap enough after all this issues! lol. :)
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    muscle car tuning tricks/techniques

    Nice to know some folks still use this "old" techniques :) John. I take it you use it for per cylinder fueling and timing aid also (hooray MoTeC!) :)
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    1jz Standalone Engine Management

    My first question is why? ALS makes the turbo a toss away part. The more aggresive the ALS (timing wise), the shorter the lifespan of the turbo. If you think it looks cool, it does! That is until the turbo dies and you have to buy another one which at that point, looking cool does not seem like...
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    Walboro enough pump for 1000cc, gt40r 2jz?

    They are the same! 040 is for intank use. 044 is for external use and can not be used internally. Flow number wise.... exactly the same.
  16. F

    How many run without EGR?

    Well then. I will take that invite.... Hell NO! ***takes out my highly spit polished curb stomping boots*** First of all. Only the morons and the regurgitators of what they hear even use that infernal word. "Back" pressure. There is no such thing! What exactly is back pressure? Once...
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    7m headgasket mileage with high horsepower

    well then. We usually never go above 18 psi for a given turbo on that low an octane. Asking for trouble! The real number that is important is the MON. A higher MON usually is pretty good indication of how much power to run. At 87 MON. Yikes!
  18. F

    Harmonic balancer......

    Suprarich is a dealer for ATI dampners here. Send him a PM. Last I checked he had better prices than Summit/Jeg and that is usually not easy to do!
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    Help me decide 2JZ or 7M

    Uhh say what? A manual tranny "slipping"? Like slipping internally? Who was the genius that told you that? :icon_evil
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    blower fan electrical diagrams

    Did by chance you check all 4 fuses plus the 1 CB? Particular intrest is the Cig Lighter fuse ;)