Zangetsu's Bankai: '92 Supra Twin Turbo

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Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Still no turbos... They were supposed to be back in my hands last Friday. Now I'm being told they won't be ready until this friday... We'll see. :/

That's alright, I guess. I'm not in a rush this time. I just need the damn turbos back so I can have my oil feed and return setups done.

I have this week off work and I was hoping to be able to put the kit back on this weekend before I go back to work next weekend. But no such luck...

It'll have to wait til next weekend. I'll just have to drive the stock twins with exhaust leak and boost leak for one more week. :nono:

I'm losing interest very fast. This is exactly what I did NOT want to happen with this car. If I'm not driving it and having fun there's no point in having it. I'm not gonna be selling it or anything but I don't even feel like driving it right now or touching it. :nono:

I'll feel different when I can put my kit back on.

Sorry no updates in a while, guys. :nono:


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Just so everyone knows, I've been scammed. :nono:

I am really tired of playing this middle man game.

I have called ITS direct to ask them what the hell is going on with my turbos.

I spoke with Joe@ITS and he told me they can't warranty the turbos one way or the other. Their warranty is only a 90 day warranty and Joe@ITS says Peter, the previous owner, had had them for months. They havent even been inspected yet to know exactly what was wrong with them. Peter has been lying to me.

I bought these turbos and Peter told one 1: They were in good condition and would not smoke at all. 2: That they were still under warranty should I need it.

Peter has been trying to sell this turbo kit since JANUARY. I bought the kit about a month ago. I didn't know anything about if or when they were rebuilt. He simply told me they were still under warranty.

^This is the thread from SF dating the For sale post on January. That is far past the warranty grace period, even if he had them rebuilt then when he posted that.

1bad1jz said:
i will try to take some more pics 2morrow. the only thing that u have to do is to make about 6inch of exhaust pipe so it could fit ur stock exhaust becuase they put a cut off and they cut my exhuast and wleded it. i think that u will only need the turbo side pipes from me. we made a coustme y. i will send u pics. and on price if u have it in cash i will do it for that price. o by the way i just found out that they r still under warranty from innovative turbos.

This is a PM from Peter from before I bought the turbos saying the turbos are still under warranty.

At this point, both of these have been proven untrue. The turbos were NOT good and there was NO warranty. This is what is usually referred to as a scam.

I did not go to ITS earlier because Peter told me that HE had to bring them in to ITS since he's the one that dealt with them before when they were rebuilt. But enough was enough and I knew something was not right so I decided to call ITS myself and tell them exactly what was going on. That the turbos were mine and they were dead since day 1 I got them. Joe@ITS told me to call back on wednesday after they get a chance to inspect the turbos.

Needless to say, I did NOT expect to be scammed like this from a local SoCal member. I've had far better dealings with people in other countries. This guy lives in my area can can't even have a mature honest deal.

Now I have to go out of my way AGAIN to get Peter to either man up and pay for my rebuilds or give me my complete refund.

I'm pretty fucking pissed to say the least.

This is what I get for being patient and trusting. Selfish immature people take advantage of you


Sep 1, 2005
South Florida
wtf is up with all this lying and cheating and scamming people shit. it seems to be going on alot in all supra forums. i just wish someone would do that shit to me and be in me city or even in my state so they could see what happens. hope u get everything settled joe.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
I know where he lives. So if worse comes to worse, I can make appearances at his house to get him to discuss this if he's going to continue to ignore my calls and messages. I'm not surprised he's been avoiding me.

I've been far too nice with this whole thing. I've had quite enough. If I have to get a lawyer and deal with this situation legally, I will. I was nice, I was patient, he had his chance. I'm tired of being the nice understanding guy and having faith that he'll pull through and make things right.

At first when I found this out, I just wanted my money back and to move on. But I'm not going to give up on this project because this guy took advantage me me. I WILL have satisfaction. I spent far too many hours in my garage pulling stock twins, installing the turbo kit, pulling the turbo kit, installing stock twins. My work isn't going to be in vane, I promise. This project is not over.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
daneyan said:
wtf is up with all this lying and cheating and scamming people shit. it seems to be going on alot in all supra forums.

There is way too much scamming going on all over the place and I assure you that it's not isolated on Supraforums. There are scumbags on every forum praying for nice people to assume that everyone else is honest. It's really a shame that it happend again, but it won't be the last time. Take as many precautionary measures as you can and then hope and pray for the best.

daneyan said:
i just wish someone would do that shit to me and be in me city or even in my state so they could see what happens.

You wouldn't do anything more than Joe is doing. You may want to think you'd go kick his ass, but you wouldn't. I hear this all the time and I know that if you were dumb enough to do it, then it would cost you way more than a twin turbo setup to get out of it. Joe is handling this the right way, and all he can do is hope this guy fixxes what he screwed up. Just my two cents worth, but everyone on the computer is always going to kick someones ass.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
It's amazing how two faced people are.

ITS called this guy and told them what I spoke about with ITS. Peter contacts me and tells me I fucked up by talking to ITS and they voided the warranty. The warranty was void a LONG time ago and he's blaming me telling me again that the turbos didn't smoke on his car. It doesn't matter what they did on his car. I got them and they smoked the moment the car was started.

This guy is saying all kinds of shit like fuck that, fuck this, you fucked up, its your problem now. Why are people so shady like this?


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
OneJoeZee said:
This guy is saying all kinds of shit like fuck that, fuck this, you fucked up, its your problem now. Why are people so shady like this?

I just got through watching Dateline NBC with Chris Hansen again and it just proves that there are some really screwed up people in this world. This guy will continue to screw people over until he gets caught and arrested. I wish it hadn't happened to you and I wish I had an answer, but I don't. If I was you, I'd do all I could do to have him make it right, but if he didn't then I would definately pursue it legally. I don't know what would come of it, but I'd want him arrested if possible. As much as people get away with these days, I doubt you can have him arrested, but I'd try. Good luck.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
suprahero said:
I just got through watching Dateline NBC with Chris Hansen again and it just proves that there are some really screwed up people in this world. This guy will continue to screw people over until he gets caught and arrested. I wish it hadn't happened to you and I wish I had an answer, but I don't. If I was you, I'd do all I could do to have him make it right, but if he didn't then I would definately pursue it legally. I don't know what would come of it, but I'd want him arrested if possible. As much as people get away with these days, I doubt you can have him arrested, but I'd try. Good luck.

He has already expressed that he has no intention of making this right.

I don't have time to plead and beg with him to do the right thing and pay for the warranty that is long expired. I'm going to file with small claims court. End of story.


Drft What do u mean drft?
Mar 31, 2005
Southern, Ca
Sorry to Hear Joe. Hopefully everything gets resolved and things get going as planned afterward. I Hope to see the car one day running on that set-up in person. Good luck , Pete


86.5 1JZ Single Turbo
Apr 21, 2005
Arlington, TX
damn dude, sorry to hear about that man. too many two-faced people nowadays. bet youve felt like beating him with an ugly stick a few times already. but it wouldnt do any good, so like your doing let a lawyer take care of it.
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